code-423n4 / 2021-09-defiprotocol-findings

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Re-entrancy in `settleAuction` allow stealing all funds #223

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago



Vulnerability details

Note that the Basket contract approved the Auction contract with all tokens and the settleAuction function allows the auction bonder to transfer all funds out of the basket to themselves. The only limiting factor is the check afterwards that needs to be abided by. It checks if enough tokens are still in the basket after settlement:

// this is the safety check if basket still has all the tokens after removing arbitrary amounts
for (uint256 i = 0; i < pendingWeights.length; i++) {
    uint256 tokensNeeded = basketAsERC20.totalSupply() * pendingWeights[i] * newRatio / BASE / BASE;
    require(IERC20(pendingTokens[i]).balanceOf(address(basket)) >= tokensNeeded);

The bonder can pass in any inputTokens, even malicious ones they created. This allows them to re-enter the settleAuction multiple times for the same auction.

Calling this function at the correct time (such that bondTimestamp - auctionStart makes newRatio < basket.ibRatio()), the attacker can drain more funds each time, eventually draining the entire basket.


Assume that the current basket.ibRatio is 1e18 (the initial value). The basket publisher calls basket.publishNewIndex with some tokens and weights. For simplicity, assume that the pending tokens are the same as tokens as before, only the weights are different, i.e., this would just rebalance the portfolio. The function call then starts the auction.

The important step to note is that the tokensNeeded value in settleAuction determines how many tokens need to stay in the basket. If we can continuously lower this value, we can keep removing tokens from the basket until it is empty.

The tokensNeeded variable is computed as basketAsERC20.totalSupply() * pendingWeights[i] * newRatio / BASE / BASE. The only variable that changes in the computation when re-entering the function is newRatio (no basket tokens are burned, and the pending weights are never cleared).

Thus if we can show that newRatio decreases on each re-entrant call, we can move out more and more funds each time.

newRatio decreases on each call

After some time, the attacker calls bondForRebalance. This determines the bondTimestamp - auctionStart value in settleAuction. The attack is possible as soon as newRatio < basket.ibRatio(). For example, using the standard parameters the calculation would be:

// a = 2 * ibRatio
uint256 a = factory.auctionMultiplier() * basket.ibRatio();
// b = (bondTimestamp - auctionStart) * 1e14
uint256 b = (bondTimestamp - auctionStart) * BASE / factory.auctionDecrement();
// newRatio = a - b = 2 * ibRatio - (bondTimestamp - auctionStart) * 1e14
uint256 newRatio = a - b;

With our initial assumption of ibRatio = 1e18 and calling bondForRebalance after 11,000 seconds (~3 hours) we will get our result that newRatio is less than the initial ibRatio:

newRatio = a - b = 2 * 1e18 - (11000) * 1e14 = 2e18 - 1.1e18 = 0.9e18 < 1e18 = basket.ibRatio

This seems to be a reasonable value (when the pending tokens and weights are equal in value to the previous ones) as no other bonder would want to call this earlier such when newRatio > basket.ibRatio as they would put in more total value in tokens as they can take out of the basket.

re-enter on settleAuction

The attacker creates a custom token attackerToken that re-enters the Auction.settleAuction function on transferFrom with parameters we will specify.

They call settleAuction with inputTokens = [attackerToken] to re-enter several times.

In the inner-most call where newRatio = 0.9e18, they choose the inputTokens/outputTokens parameters in a way to pass the initial require(IERC20(pendingTokens[i]).balanceOf(address(basket)) >= tokensNeeded); check - transferring out any other tokens of basket with outputTokens.

The function will continue to run and call basket.setNewWeights(); and basket.updateIBRatio(newRatio); which will set the new weights (but not clear the pending ones) and set the new basket.ibRatio.

Execution then jumps to the 2nd inner call after the IERC20(inputTokens[i]=attackerToken).safeTransferFrom(...) and has the chance to transfer out tokens again. It will compute newRatio with the new lowered basket.ibRatio of 0.9e18: newRatio = a - b = 2 * 0.9e18 - 1.1e18 = 0.7e18. Therefore, tokensNeeded is lowered as well and the attacker was allowed to transfer out more tokens having carefully chosen outputWeights.

This repeats with newRatio = 0.3.

The attack is quite complicated and requires carefully precomputing and then setting the parameters, as well as sending back the bondAmount tokens to the auction contract which are then each time transferred back in the function body. But I believe this should work.


The basket funds can be stolen.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Add re-entrancy checks (for example, OpenZeppelin's "locks") to the settleAuction function.

GalloDaSballo commented 2 years ago

Let's dissect the finding to prove whether it's valid or not.

First of all, we do have the pre-conditions for re-entrancy:

So in any case this is a report for reEntrancy (medium severity)

However, the warden is showing a specific attack vector that, if proven, allows to steal the majority of funds from the basket.

Let's investigate (with a single re-entrant call example):

The require checks at the top pass, as we're rebalancing the basket, we'll make sure to use an additional inputToken (malicious token), that will call settleAuction again.

This second call (Call B), will execute as normal, extracting the correct amount of value in return for rebalancing, the new ibRatio is 0.9 as shown by the warden POC.

Call B ends by setting ibRatio to 0.9, and hasBonded to false (which will cause a revert if you try to perform this without re-entrancy)

However, we have already entered and Call A can resume, it now has ibRatio set to 0.9 which allows it to further extract value (as tokensNeeded decreases as ibRatio decreases)

This can be extended to have further re-entrant calls and can be effectively executed until the basket is hollowed out

This is a Miro Board to highlight the dynamics of the exploit:

Huge props to the warden, brilliant find!

GalloDaSballo commented 2 years ago

For mitigation: