code-423n4 / 2021-09-defiprotocol-findings

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Auction settler can steal user funds if bond timestamp is high enough #45

Open code423n4 opened 3 years ago

code423n4 commented 3 years ago



Vulnerability details

After an auction has started, as time passes and according to the bondTimestamp, newRatio (which starts at 2*ibRatio) gets smaller and smaller and therefore less and less tokens need to remain in the basket. This is not capped, and after a while, newRatio can become smaller than current ibRatio.


If for some reason nobody has settled an auction and the publisher didn't stop it, a malicious user can wait until newRatio < ibRatio, or even until newRatio ~= 0 (for an initial ibRatio of ~1e18 this happens after less than 3.5 days after auction started), and then bond and settle and steal user funds.

Proof of Concept

These are the vulnerable lines:

        uint256 a = factory.auctionMultiplier() * basket.ibRatio();
        uint256 b = (bondTimestamp - auctionStart) * BASE / factory.auctionDecrement();
        uint256 newRatio = a - b;

        for (uint256 i = 0; i < pendingWeights.length; i++) {
            uint256 tokensNeeded = basketAsERC20.totalSupply() * pendingWeights[i] * newRatio / BASE / BASE;
            require(IERC20(pendingTokens[i]).balanceOf(address(basket)) >= tokensNeeded);

The function verifies that pendingTokens[i].balanceOf(basket) >= basketAsERC20.totalSupply() * pendingWeights[i] * newRatio / BASE / BASE. This is the formula that will be used later to mint/burn/withdraw user funds. As bondTimestamp increases, newRatio will get smaller, and there is no check on this. After a while we'll arrive at a point where newRatio ~= 0, so tokensNeeded = newRatio*(...) ~= 0, so the attacker could withdraw nearly all the tokens using outputTokens and outputWeights, and leave just scraps in the basket.

Tools Used

Manual analysis, hardhat.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Your needed condition/math might be different, and you might also choose to burn the bond while you're at it, but I think at the minimum you should add a sanity check in settleAuction:

require (newRatio > basket.ibRatio());
GalloDaSballo commented 2 years ago

Would need confirmation from the sponsor here (this finding was also submitted on the more recent contest) As discount is part of the protocol (I think)

GalloDaSballo commented 2 years ago

@frank-beard is the discount a feature or a bug?

GalloDaSballo commented 2 years ago

As per this discussion:

The finding is valid and of medium severity