code-423n4 / 2021-09-defiprotocol-findings

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`Basket.sol#handleFees()` could potentially cause disruption of minting and burning #79

Open code423n4 opened 3 years ago

code423n4 commented 3 years ago



Vulnerability details

function handleFees() private {
    if (lastFee == 0) {
        lastFee = block.timestamp;
    } else {
        uint256 startSupply = totalSupply();

        uint256 timeDiff = (block.timestamp - lastFee);
        uint256 feePct = timeDiff * licenseFee / ONE_YEAR;
        uint256 fee = startSupply * feePct / (BASE - feePct);

        _mint(publisher, fee * (BASE - factory.ownerSplit()) / BASE);
        _mint(Ownable(address(factory)).owner(), fee * factory.ownerSplit() / BASE);
        lastFee = block.timestamp;

        uint256 newIbRatio = ibRatio * startSupply / totalSupply();
        ibRatio = newIbRatio;

        emit NewIBRatio(ibRatio);

timeDiff * licenseFee can be greater than ONE_YEAR when timeDiff and/or licenseFee is large enough, which makes feePct to be greater than BASE so that BASE - feePct will revert on underflow.


Minting and burning of the basket token are being disrupted until the publisher update the licenseFee.

Proof of Concept

  1. Create a basket with a licenseFee of 1e19 or 1000% per year and mint 1 basket token;
  2. The basket remain inactive (not being minted or burned) for 2 months;
  3. Calling mint and burn reverts at handleFees().

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Limit the max value of feePct.

GalloDaSballo commented 2 years ago

The finding is valid, there are conditions that would cause feePct to be greater than BASE

The conditions to trigger this seem to be:

Because this can happen under specific conditions, I will grade this finding as medium severity:

I would highly recommend the sponsor to consider the possibility of capping the licenseFee to make it easier to predict cases in which the operation can revert