code-423n4 / 2021-09-defiprotocol-findings

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set lastFee in initialize() function #94

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago



Vulnerability details


Gas optimisation

Recommended Mitigation Steps

The if branch in the handleFee() function is only there to handle the very first time handleFees are called. Thereafter, this condition will always fail so it makes more sense to initialize it with the initialize() function.

function initialize(IFactory.Proposal memory proposal, IAuction auction_) public override {
    publisher = proposal.proposer;
    licenseFee = proposal.licenseFee;
    factory = IFactory(msg.sender);
    auction = auction_;
    ibRatio = BASE;
    tokens = proposal.tokens;
    weights = proposal.weights;
        lastFee = block.timestamp;      // updated lastFee here

    __ERC20_init(proposal.tokenName, proposal.tokenSymbol);

function handleFees() private {
    // if (lastFee == 0) {            // delete this
    //     lastFee = block.timestamp; // delete this
    // } else {                       // delete this
    uint256 startSupply = totalSupply();

    uint256 timeDiff = (block.timestamp - lastFee);
    uint256 feePct = timeDiff * licenseFee / ONE_YEAR;
    uint256 fee = startSupply * feePct / (BASE - feePct);

    _mint(publisher, fee * (BASE - factory.ownerSplit()) / BASE);
    _mint(Ownable(address(factory)).owner(), fee * factory.ownerSplit() / BASE);
    lastFee = block.timestamp;

    uint256 newIbRatio = ibRatio * startSupply / totalSupply();
    ibRatio = newIbRatio;

    emit NewIBRatio(ibRatio);
    // }                              // delete this
GalloDaSballo commented 2 years ago

Agree with finding, simplifies code and streamlines the logic