code-423n4 / 2021-09-wildcredit-findings

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Supply part of the accrued debt can be stolen #50

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago



Vulnerability details

The LendingPair.uniClaimDeposit function allows the user to "collect fees" and mint new supply shares with the collected amounts.

uniClaimDeposit does not accrue tokens

However, the current total supply is not accrued in the function. This means an attacker can:

This would only lead to a small protocol loss if uniClaimDeposit would only collect the fees, however, combined with another flaw, one can steal almost the entire protocol lpRate each time:

uniClaimDeposit allows collecting entire liquidity instead of just fees

This has to do with the way liquidity from a Uniswap V3 position (NFT) is withdrawn:

An attacker can perform the following attack:


Combining these two issues, an attacker could steal most of the accrued lpRate in a single atomic transaction. The attacker can repeat this step capturing the supplier interest for each accrual. (The longer the market hasn't been accrued, the bigger the profit per single attack transaction, but in the end, the attacker could perform this attack at every block or when it becomes profitable for the gas costs.)

Providing / removing Uniswap V3 liquidity does not incur fees.

The attacker's profit is the loss of other legitimate suppliers that capture less of the newly accrued debt.


Accrue the debt for both tokens first in LendingPair.uniClaimDeposit.

It might also be a good idea to disallow collecting the "parked" liquidity in a token (that has been removed but not yet collected) by immediately collecting them when the NFT is deposited in depositUniPosition. I.e., call _uniCollectFees in depositUniPosition to withdraw any outstanding tokens&fees. Then mint shares with these token amounts.

talegift commented 2 years ago

We'll implement the suggested fix.

Suggest lowering severity to 2 as it doesn't allow direct theft of funds and the loss would only occur under specific external conditions - long periods of not accrue interest combined with a low gas price to steal the pending interest.

2 — Med: Assets not at direct risk, but the function of the protocol or its availability could be impacted, or leak value with a hypothetical attack path with stated assumptions, but external requirements

ghoul-sol commented 2 years ago

It seems that the attacker can steal interest that is owed to other users but deposits are safe. For that reason I agree with sponsor to make this medium risk.