code-423n4 / 2021-09-yaxis-findings

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wrong YAXIS estimates #112

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago



Vulnerability details

The Harvester.getEstimates contract tries to estimate a YAXIS amount but uses the wrong path and/or amount.

It currently uses a WETH input amount to compute a YAXIS -> WETH trade.

address[] memory _path;
_path[0] = IStrategy(_strategy).want();
_path[1] = IStrategy(_strategy).weth();
// ...

_path[0] = manager.yaxis();
// path is YAXIS -> WETH now
// fee is a WETH precision value
uint256 _fee = _estimatedWETH.mul(manager.treasuryFee()).div(ONE_HUNDRED_PERCENT);
// this will return wrong trade amounts
_amounts = _router.getAmountsOut(_fee, _path);
_estimatedYAXIS = _amounts[1];


The estimations from getEstimates are wrong. They seem to be used to provide min. amount slippage values (_estimatedWETH, _estimatedYAXIS) for the harvester when calling Controller._estimatedYAXIS. These are then used in BaseStrategy._payHarvestFees and can revert the harvest transactions if the wrongly computed _estimatedYAXIS value is above the actual trade value. Or they can allow a large slippage if the _estimatedYAXIS value is below the actual trade value, which can then be used for a sandwich attack.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Fix the estimations computations.

As the estimations are used in BaseStrategy._payHarvestFees, the expected behavior seems to be trading WETH to YAXIS. The path should therefore be changed to path[0] = WETH; path[1] = YAXIS in Harvester.getEstimates.

GalloDaSballo commented 2 years ago

Price estimates on Uniswap are dependent on which side of the swap you're making

Sponsor has mitigated in later PR