code-423n4 / 2021-09-yaxis-findings

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Harvest can be frontrun #140

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago



Vulnerability details


In the NativeStrategyCurve3Crv._harvest there are two instances that a bad actor could use to frontrun the harvest.

First, when we are swapping WETH to a stablecoin by calling _swapTokens(weth, _stableCoin, _remainingWeth, 1) the function isn't checking the slippage, leading to the risk to a frontun (by imbalancing the Uniswap pair) and losing part of the harvesting profits.

Second, during the _addLiquidity internal function: this calls stableSwap3Pool.add_liquidity(amounts, 1) not considering the slippage when minting the 3CRV tokens.

Proof of Concept

Tools Used


Recommended Mitigation Steps

In the function _harvest(_estimatedWETH, _estimatedYAXIS) consider adding two additional estimated quantities: one for the swapped-out stablecoin and one for the minted 3CRV.

uN2RVw5q commented 2 years ago

On second thought, I think this is a valid issue.

consider adding two additional estimated quantities: one for the swapped-out stablecoin and one for the minted 3CRV.

This suggestion should be considered.

GalloDaSballo commented 2 years ago

Warden identified two paths for front-running

Since these are ways to extract value, severity is Medium