code-423n4 / 2021-10-ambire-findings

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`Zapper.sol#tradeV3Single()` Remove unnecessary variable can make the code simpler and save gas #28

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago



Vulnerability details

At L149, params.recipient is read and put into a local variable recipient. However, recipient is only read once when wrapOutputToLending is true. Thus, the variable recipient is unnecessary.

function tradeV3Single(ISwapRouter uniV3Router, ISwapRouter.ExactInputSingleParams calldata params, bool wrapOutputToLending) external returns (uint) {
    ISwapRouter.ExactInputSingleParams memory tradeParams = params;
    address recipient = params.recipient;
    if(wrapOutputToLending) {
        tradeParams.recipient = address(this);

    uint amountOut = uniV3Router.exactInputSingle(tradeParams);
    if(wrapOutputToLending) {
        lendingPool.deposit(params.tokenOut, amountOut, recipient, aaveRefCode);
    return amountOut;


Change to:

function tradeV3Single(ISwapRouter uniV3Router, ISwapRouter.ExactInputSingleParams calldata params, bool wrapOutputToLending) external returns (uint) {
    ISwapRouter.ExactInputSingleParams memory tradeParams = params;
    if(wrapOutputToLending) {
        tradeParams.recipient = address(this);

    uint amountOut = uniV3Router.exactInputSingle(tradeParams);
    if(wrapOutputToLending) {
        lendingPool.deposit(params.tokenOut, amountOut, params.recipient, aaveRefCode);
    return amountOut;
Ivshti commented 2 years ago

resolved in

GalloDaSballo commented 2 years ago

The sponsor has removed the extra declaration