code-423n4 / 2021-10-covalent-findings

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`unstake` should update exchange rates first #57

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago



Vulnerability details

The unstake function does not immediately update the exchange rates. It first computes the validatorSharesRemove = tokensToShares(amount, v.exchangeRate) with the old exchange rate.

Only afterwards, it updates the exchange rates (if the validator is not disabled):

// @audit shares are computed here with old rate
uint128 validatorSharesRemove = tokensToShares(amount, v.exchangeRate);
require(validatorSharesRemove > 0, "Unstake amount is too small");

if (v.disabledEpoch == 0) {
    // @audit rates are updated here
    // ...


More shares for the amount are burned than required and users will lose rewards in the end.


Demonstrating that users will lose rewards:

  1. Assume someone staked 1000 amount and received 1000 shares, and v.exchangeRate = 1.0. (This user is the single staker)
  2. Several epochs pass, interest accrues, and 1000 tokens accrue for the validator, tokensGivenToValidator = 1000. User should be entitled to 1000 in principal + 1000 in rewards = 2000 tokens.
  3. But user calls unstake(1000), which sets validatorSharesRemove = tokensToShares(amount, v.exchangeRate) = 1000 / 1.0 = 1000. Afterwards, the exchange rate is updated: v.exchangeRate += tokensGivenToValidator / totalShares = 1.0 + 1.0 = 2.0. The staker is updated with s.shares -= validatorSharesRemove = 0 and s.staked -= amount = 0. And the user receives their 1000 tokens but notice how the user's shares are now at zero as well.
  4. User tries to claim rewards calling redeemAllRewards which fails as the rewards are 0.

If the user had first called redeemAllRewards and unstake afterwards they'd have received their 2000 tokens.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

The exchange rates always need to be updated first before doing anything. Move the updateGlobalExchangeRate() and updateValidator(v) calls to the beginning of the function.

GalloDaSballo commented 2 years ago

Agree with the finding, using the old exchange rate ends up burning more shares than what would be correct The sponsor has mitigated the issue