function claimRewardAsMochi in ReferralFeePoolV0 will produce a runtime exception because the length of the path is 2 but it tries to assign 3 entries:
address[] memory path = new address;
path[0] = address(usdm);
path[1] = uniswapRouter.WETH();
path[2] = address(engine.mochi());
So users will not be able to claim their rewards.
Vulnerability details
function claimRewardAsMochi in ReferralFeePoolV0 will produce a runtime exception because the length of the path is 2 but it tries to assign 3 entries: address[] memory path = new address; path[0] = address(usdm); path[1] = uniswapRouter.WETH(); path[2] = address(engine.mochi()); So users will not be able to claim their rewards.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
address[] memory path = new address;