code-423n4 / 2021-11-overlay-findings

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Missing events for critical operations #64

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago



Vulnerability details

Across the contracts, there are certain critical operations that change critical values that affect the users of the protocol.

It's a best practice for these setter functions to emit events to record these changes on-chain for off-chain monitors/tools/interfaces to register the updates and react if necessary.

Instances include:

function setOVL (address _ovl) external onlyGovernor {

        ovl = _ovl;


    function initializeMarket(address market) external onlyGovernor {

        require(!marketExists[market], "OVLV1:!!initialized");

        marketExists[market] = true;
        marketActive[market] = true;



    /// @notice Disables an existing market contract for a mirin market
    function disableMarket(address market) external onlyGovernor {

        require(marketActive[market], "OVLV1: !enabled");

        marketActive[market] = false;


    /// @notice Enables an existing market contract for a mirin market
    function enableMarket(address market) external onlyGovernor {

        require(marketExists[market], "OVLV1: !exists");

        require(!marketActive[market], "OVLV1: !disabled");

        marketActive[market] = true;


And all functions in OverlayV1Governance.sol.

mikeyrf commented 2 years ago

disagree with severity - event related risks seem to be 0 - Non-critical

dmvt commented 2 years ago

According to the judging criteria provided by Code423n4, off chain monitoring of events / missing events is indeed a Non-critical issue.