code-423n4 / 2021-11-vader-findings

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Mixing different types of LP shares can lead to losses for Synth holders #257

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago



Vulnerability details


Users that mint Synths do not get pool shares, so exiting of normal LP can lead to their losses as no funds can be left for retrieval.

Proof of Concept

3 types of mint/burn: NFT, Fungible and Synths. Synths are most vilnerable as they do not have share: LP own the pool, so Synth's funds are lost in scenarios similar to:

  1. LP deposit both sides to a pool
  2. Synth deposit and mint a Synth
  3. LP withdraws all as she owns all the pool liquidity, even when provided only part of it
  4. Synth can't withdraw as no assets left

burn NFT LP:

burn fungible LP:

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Take into account liquidity that was provided by Synth minting.