code-423n4 / 2021-12-defiprotocol-findings

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A `delegatecall` to `createBasket` compromises `Auction` and `Basket` references to `Factory` contract. #172

Closed code423n4 closed 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago



Vulnerability details

A malicious "publisher" can deploy a manipulated spoof of Factory.sol that includes a delegatecall to the real Factory.sol contract for invoking createBasket().

When newAuction.initialize(address(newBasket), address(this)); is run, the spoofed version's address will be passed to the newly cloned Auction contract instead of the real one. Also, when initialize() is called on the newly cloned Basket contract, msg.sender will be equal to the spoofed contract, so that factory will be set incorrectly as well.


The Auction contract uses its factory reference for important calculations in bondForRebalance() and settleAuction().

Since view functions have access to msg.sender, the spoof contract can return certain values selectively. It might function normally for all typical users, giving the appearance everything is fine, but then return incorrect values when msg.sender == publisher.

Proof of Concept

  1. Mallory creates standard basket proposal by calling proposeBasketLicense() on real Factory.
  2. Mallory deploys MalloryFactory.sol that conforms to the IFactory interface and mirrors the real Factory.sol contract's methods and state values.
  3. Mallory calls special attack() method that delegates a call to the real factory. address(realFactory).delegatecall(abi.encodeWithSignature("createBasket(uint256)", proposalId));.
  4. Normal users mint tokens on that basket, not knowing a shadow factory has been substituted for the real one.
  5. Mallory submits a new index following proper publishNewIndex() flow.
  6. Mallory calls bondForRebalance().
  7. After 24 hour wait, Mallory executes the following attackin one transaction:
    • Takes out a flash loan for ERC20 pendingTokens.
    • Uses transfer to send them directly to the basket contract.
    • Calls settleAuction().
    • factory.auctionMultiplier() is called on shadow factory and it see's msg.sender == address(mallory) so it returns a large number. factory.auctionDecrement() is called on shadow factory and returns 0.
    • basket.updateIBRatio() sets basket's ratio to value, much higher than it should be.
    • Mallory calls burn() to drain underlying tokens.

Tools Used

Manual review and Hardhat.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Create an immutable variable that is set to the Factory contract's address when it gets deployed. Then, inline or in a modifier, check to make sure that address(this) == originalAddress.

frank-beard commented 2 years ago

This issue seems similar to a project forking another project and rugging with different code. Users should confirm the basket they are interacting with is a legitimate basket created from the correct factory, similar to using a uniswap pool or router contract.

0xleastwood commented 2 years ago

Agree with the sponsor, there is no reason why users would interact with a malicious fork of these contracts.