Observe that both sendCollaterals and _sendCollateral are missing checks for deprecated collateral (collateralParams[_collateral].active), thus allowing deprecated collateral to be transferred from one pool to another
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Add a check for collateralParams[_collateral].active before transferring collateral via sendCollaterals
Vulnerability details
Deprecated collateral can still be used and sent
Proof of Concept
Navigate to contract at https://github.com/code-423n4/2021-12-yetifinance/blob/main/packages/contracts/contracts/ActivePool.sol
Observe that both sendCollaterals and _sendCollateral are missing checks for deprecated collateral (collateralParams[_collateral].active), thus allowing deprecated collateral to be transferred from one pool to another
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Add a check for collateralParams[_collateral].active before transferring collateral via sendCollaterals