code-423n4 / 2021-12-yetifinance-findings

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Wrong `lastBuyBackPrice` #206

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago



Vulnerability details

The sYETIToken.lastBuyBackPrice is set in buyBack and hardcoded as:

function buyBack(address routerAddress, uint256 YUSDToSell, uint256 YETIOutMin, address[] memory path) external onlyOwner {
    require(YUSDToSell > 0, "Zero amount");
    require(lastBuybackTime + 69 hours < block.timestamp, "Must have 69 hours pass before another buyBack");
    yusdToken.approve(routerAddress, YUSDToSell);
    uint256[] memory amounts = IRouter(routerAddress).swapExactTokensForTokens(YUSDToSell, YETIOutMin, path, address(this), block.timestamp + 5 minutes);
    lastBuybackTime = block.timestamp;
    // amounts[0] is the amount of YUSD that was sold, and amounts[1] is the amount of YETI that was gained in return. So the price is amounts[0] / amounts[1]
    // @audit this hardcoded lastBuybackPrice is wrong when using a different path (think path length 3)
    lastBuybackPrice = div(amounts[0].mul(1e18), amounts[1]);
    emit BuyBackExecuted(YUSDToSell, amounts[0], amounts[1]);

It divides the first and second return amounts of the swap, however, these amounts depend on the swap path parameter that is used by the caller. If a swap path of length 3 is used, then this is obviously wrong. It also assumes that each router sorts the pairs the same way (which is true for Uniswap/Sushiswap).


The lastBuyBackPrice will be wrong when using a different path. This will lead rebases using a different yeti amount and the effectiveYetiTokenBalance being updated wrong.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Verify the first and last element of the path are YETI/YUSD and use the first and last amount parameter.

kingyetifinance commented 2 years ago

@LilYeti: The idea was that on launch we will likely use a curve pool to route through so this contract would change slightly. However it is valid and some more checks would be good to add. Moving to level 1 issue.

alcueca commented 2 years ago

A medium severity rating is warranted.