code-423n4 / 2022-01-dev-test-repo-findings

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Proxy's logic contract relies on code in the constructor #341

Open code423n4 opened 8 months ago

code423n4 commented 8 months ago

Lines of code

122, 50, 25, 67, 98, 67, 22

Vulnerability details

Logic contracts cannot rely on code in their constructors, because proxy contracts do not re-execute the logic contract's constructor - only its initializer. Move all code in the constructor to the initializer function.

File: contracts/Balancer.sol

/// @audit initConnectedOFT()
122      constructor(
123          address _routerETH,
124          address _router,
125          address _owner
126      ) Owned(_owner) {
127          if (_router == address(0)) revert RouterNotValid();
128          if (_routerETH == address(0)) revert RouterNotValid();
129          routerETH = IStargateRouter(_routerETH);
130          router = IStargateRouter(_router);
131:     }
File: contracts/tOFT/BaseTOFT.sol

/// @audit initMultiSell()
50       constructor(
51           address _lzEndpoint,
52           address _erc20,
53           IYieldBoxBase _yieldBox,
54           string memory _name,
55           string memory _symbol,
56           uint8 _decimal,
57           uint256 _hostChainID,
58           address payable _leverageModule,
59           address payable _strategyModule,
60           address payable _marketModule,
61           address payable _optionsModule
62       )
63           BaseTOFTStorage(
64               _lzEndpoint,
65               _erc20,
66               _yieldBox,
67               _name,
68               _symbol,
69               _decimal,
70               _hostChainID
71           )
72           ERC20Permit(string(abi.encodePacked("TapiocaOFT-", _name)))
73       {
74           leverageModule = BaseTOFTLeverageModule(_leverageModule);
75           strategyModule = BaseTOFTStrategyModule(_strategyModule);
76           marketModule = BaseTOFTMarketModule(_marketModule);
77           optionsModule = BaseTOFTOptionsModule(_optionsModule);
78:      }
File: contracts/tOFT/modules/BaseTOFTLeverageModule.sol

/// @audit initMultiSell()
25       constructor(
26           address _lzEndpoint,
27           address _erc20,
28           IYieldBoxBase _yieldBox,
29           string memory _name,
30           string memory _symbol,
31           uint8 _decimal,
32           uint256 _hostChainID
33       )
34           BaseTOFTStorage(
35               _lzEndpoint,
36               _erc20,
37               _yieldBox,
38               _name,
39               _symbol,
40               _decimal,
41               _hostChainID
42           )
43:      {}
File: contracts/Vesting.sol

/// @audit init()
67       constructor(uint256 _cliff, uint256 _duration, address _owner) {
68           require(_duration > 0, "Vesting: no vesting");
70           cliff = _cliff;
71           duration = _duration;
72           owner = _owner;
73:      }
File: contracts/markets/bigBang/BigBang.sol

/// @audit init()
98:      constructor() MarketERC20("Tapioca BigBang") {}
File: contracts/usd0/BaseUSDO.sol

/// @audit initMultiHopBuy()
67       constructor(
68           address _lzEndpoint,
69           IYieldBoxBase _yieldBox,
70           address _owner,
71           address payable _leverageModule,
72           address payable _marketModule,
73           address payable _optionsModule
74       ) BaseUSDOStorage(_lzEndpoint, _yieldBox) ERC20Permit("USDO") {
75           leverageModule = USDOLeverageModule(_leverageModule);
76           marketModule = USDOMarketModule(_marketModule);
77           optionsModule = USDOOptionsModule(_optionsModule);
79           transferOwnership(_owner);
80:      }
File: contracts/usd0/modules/USDOLeverageModule.sol

/// @audit initMultiHopBuy()
22       constructor(
23           address _lzEndpoint,
24           IYieldBoxBase _yieldBox
25:      ) BaseUSDOStorage(_lzEndpoint, _yieldBox) {}

Assessed type
