code-423n4 / 2022-01-insure-findings

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Gas: Optimize Conditional Statements in `PoolTemplate.sol:worth()` #355

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago



Vulnerability details


It's possible to save gas by optimizing the checks in conditional statements (if, else if and else). This would save a few opcodes and avoid redundant checks.

Proof of Concept

In PoolTemplate.sol:worth(), the code is as follows:

799:     function worth(uint256 _value) public view returns (uint256 _amount) {
800:         uint256 _supply = totalSupply();
801:         uint256 _originalLiquidity = originalLiquidity();
802:         if (_supply > 0 && _originalLiquidity > 0) {
803:             _amount = (_value * _supply) / _originalLiquidity;
804:         } else if (_supply > 0 && _originalLiquidity == 0) {
805:             _amount = _value * _supply;
806:         } else {
807:             _amount = _value;
808:         }
809:     }

The conditions checks can be optimized with the following (read the @audit-info comments for further information):

    function worth(uint256 _value) public view returns (uint256 _amount) {
        uint256 _supply = totalSupply();
        uint256 _originalLiquidity = originalLiquidity();
        if (_supply == 0) {
            _amount = _value;
        } else if (_originalLiquidity == 0) {
            _amount = _value * _supply;
        } else {
            _amount = (_value * _supply) / _originalLiquidity;

Tools Used

VS Code

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Compact conditions in mentioned logic statements

oishun1112 commented 2 years ago
//new one
function worth_1() public pure returns (uint256) {
        uint256 _value = 100;
        uint256 _supply = 1;
        uint256 _originalLiquidity = 1;
        uint256 _amount;

        if (_supply == 0) {
            _amount = _value;
        } else if (_originalLiquidity == 0) {
            _amount = _value * _supply;
        } else {
            _amount = (_value * _supply) / _originalLiquidity;

        return _amount;

//current one
    function worth_2() public pure returns (uint256) {
        uint256 _value = 100;
        uint256 _supply = 1;
        uint256 _originalLiquidity = 1;
        uint256 _amount;

        if (_supply > 0 && _originalLiquidity > 0) {
            _amount = (_value * _supply) / _originalLiquidity;
        } else if (_supply > 0 && _originalLiquidity == 0) {
            _amount = _value * _supply;
        } else {
            _amount = _value;

        return _amount;

//little bit of gas opt from worth_2
    function worth_3() public pure returns (uint256) {
        uint256 _value = 100;
        uint256 _supply = 1;
        uint256 _originalLiquidity = 1;
        uint256 _amount;

        if (_supply != 0 && _originalLiquidity != 0) {
            _amount = (_value * _supply) / _originalLiquidity;
        } else if (_supply != 0 && _originalLiquidity == 0) {
            _amount = _value * _supply;
        } else {
            _amount = _value;

        return _amount;

worth_1 => 21876 gas worth_2 => 21934 gas worth_3 => 21918 gas