code-423n4 / 2022-02-aave-lens-findings

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User can collect publication at lesser fees #31

Closed code423n4 closed 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


User will pay lesser Collect Module fees and the difference will be borne by Publication owner. This way Publication owner will always be on loss

Attacker can also make this a business in which he can collect victim nft at discounted price and then sell that NFT to other users using transfer function

Proof of Concept

  1. User A create a new post publication using createPost in PublishingLogic.sol#L122

  2. User B wants to collect the post publication by User A. He call collect function on InteractionLogic.sol#L97

  3. Collect function will call processCollect on Collect Module and asks User B for fees X (Treasury fees + User A fees)

  4. User B does not approve and transaction fails

  5. Now to reduce this fees X, User B simply creates a mirror for User A publication using createMirror function at PublishingLogic.sol#L247

  6. A new mirror gets created pointing to User A publication and owned by User B

  7. User B simply call collect function on InteractionLogic.sol#L97

  8. This time again processCollect on Collect Module is ran but since the call is coming from mirror, a referral fees is calculated for mirror owner

  9. In our case mirror owner is User B so final fees becomes ((Treasury fees + User B referral fees + (User A fees -User B referral fees) )

  10. So In this case User B gets a discount of User B referral fees and User A incur that lose

Recommended Mitigation Steps

User should not be allowed to collect using a mirror owned by his own profile. Although there is a bypass in which User can create mirror to victim publication from one wallet and user other wallet to make the collect

oneski commented 2 years ago

decline, this functionality is as designed.

User A by setting referral fees understands that their per Publication fees are minus the referral rate. Additional collect modules can be built blocking bad referral behavior .

0xleastwood commented 2 years ago

I believe this is a duplicate of #20 which is pending the sponsor's reply.