code-423n4 / 2022-02-aave-lens-findings

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Double collection + Refrain users from collecting publication #35

Closed code423n4 closed 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


  1. By mistake user can collect same publication twice costing user monetary losses (collect fees)

  2. Attacker can exhaust collect limit (LimitedTimedFeeCollectModule.sol) which is set on a publication by collecting same publication again and again until collect limit is exhausted. This gives unfair chance to other users

  3. User can set a collect limit and collect his own publication near to collect limit. Other users will think to buy this fast selling publication

Proof of Concept

Case 1:

  1. User A creates a publication
  2. User B collect the publication by giving appropriate fees
  3. User B mistakenly collect the same publication and give fees. Contract gives no error and user is provided by another collect nft which does not make sense

Case 2:

  1. User A creates a publication with collect limit 25
  2. User A himself collect his own publication 20 times
  3. Other User sees that User A publication is depleting fast so they collect the publication and falls into the trap of fake collection

Recommended Mitigation Steps

If user has already collected a publication then collect function should revert

require (IERC721(collectNFT).balanceOf(collector) =0, "Already collected the publication")
oneski commented 2 years ago

Declined, this is by design. Alternative collect modules can include additional logic to prevent this behavior.

0xleastwood commented 2 years ago

I think I can mostly agree that it doesn't seem likely a user would call collect() more than once (it can be easily side-stepped by using multiple EOAs). However, is there any reason why this isn't enforced in this specific module? Is it meant to act as a reference implementation to be built upon? @oneski

Zer0dot commented 2 years ago

I think I can mostly agree that it doesn't seem likely a user would call collect() more than once (it can be easily side-stepped by using multiple EOAs). However, is there any reason why this isn't enforced in this specific module? Is it meant to act as a reference implementation to be built upon? @oneski

So the idea is that the fee is the anti-spam mechanism here. If a user wants to pay for 10 collects, they should be allowed to. Plus, as you mentioned limiting on a per-wallet basis isn't really ideal!

0xleastwood commented 2 years ago

I agree with the sponsor, not really an easy fix to this and I think alternative logic can be added down the line.