code-423n4 / 2022-02-concur-findings

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QA Report #263

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago

QA Report

Table of Contents:


Prevent accidentally burning tokens

Transferring tokens to the zero address is usually prohibited to accidentally avoid "burning" tokens by sending them to an unrecoverable zero address.

Places where I couldn't find a zero address check (or where the destination isn't a zero-checked address):

ConvexStakingWrapper.sol:179:            IERC20(reward.token).transfer(treasury, d_reward / 5); //@audit treasury isn't address(0) checked
ConvexStakingWrapper.sol:182:        IERC20(reward.token).transfer(address(claimContract), d_reward);//@audit claimContract isn't address(0) checked
MasterChef.sol:206:            transferSuccess = concur.transfer(_to, concurBalance);//@audit _to == _recipient and isn't address(0) checked
MasterChef.sol:208:            transferSuccess = concur.transfer(_to, _amount); //@audit _to == _recipient and isn't address(0) checked

I suggest adding a check to prevent accidentally burning tokens.

Use safeTransfer or require()/conditional instead of transfer/transferFrom

Silent failures (lack of failure detection / revert in case of failure) may happen here:

File: ConvexStakingWrapper.sol
178:         if (reward.token == cvx || reward.token == crv) {
179:             IERC20(reward.token).transfer(treasury, d_reward / 5); //@audit return value ignored
180:             d_reward = (d_reward * 4) / 5;
181:         }
182:         IERC20(reward.token).transfer(address(claimContract), d_reward);//@audit return value ignored

Consider using safeTransfer. That's already the case at other places on the same contract

Use SafeERC20.safeApprove()

approve() will fail for certain token implementations that do not return a boolean value. It is recommended to use OpenZeppelin's SafeERC20's safeApprove().

Instances include:

USDMPegRecovery.sol:79:        usdm.approve(address(usdm3crv), addingLiquidity);
USDMPegRecovery.sol:80:        pool3.approve(address(usdm3crv), addingLiquidity);


Deprecated library used for Solidity 0.8.11: SafeMath

Use Solidity 0.8.*'s default checks instead:

MasterChef.sol:10:import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/SafeMath.sol";
MasterChef.sol:14:    using SafeMath for uint;


Missing Address(0) checks

        - rewardNotifier = _notifier (contracts/ConcurRewardPool.sol#16)
        - treasury = _treasury (contracts/ConvexStakingWrapper.sol#70)
        - treasury = _treasury (contracts/ConvexStakingWrapper.sol#83)
        - rewardsDistribution = _rewardsDistribution (contracts/StakingRewards.sol#45)
        - rewardsDistribution = _rewardsDistribution (contracts/StakingRewards.sol#195)
        - kpiOracle = _kpiOracle (contracts/USDMPegRecovery.sol#57)
        - (success,result) ={value: _value}(_data) (contracts/VoteProxy.sol#33)

Variables that should be constant

MasterChef._concurShareMultiplier (contracts/MasterChef.sol#56)
MasterChef._perMille (contracts/MasterChef.sol#57)
MasterChef.concurPerBlock (contracts/MasterChef.sol#50)

Variables that are assumed to be initialized before a function call, but might not be

File: ConvexStakingWrapper.sol
50:     IConcurRewardClaim public claimContract;
86:     function setRewardPool(address _claimContract) external onlyOwner {
87:         claimContract = IConcurRewardClaim(_claimContract);
88:     }

Variables that should be bounded

The variable MasterChef.sol:43: uint16 depositFeeBP; // Deposit fee in basis points is never bounded, and UInt16.MaxValue is 65535

Variables that should be grouped together in a struct

For maps that use the same key value: having separate fields is error prone (like in case of deletion or future new fields).

File: ConvexStakingWrapper.sol

6 maps can be grouped together, as they use the same pid:

41:     //convex rewards
42:     mapping(uint256 => address) public convexPool;
43:     mapping(uint256 => RewardType[]) public rewards;
44:     mapping(uint256 => mapping(uint256 => mapping(address => Reward)))
45:         public userReward;
46:     mapping(uint256 => mapping(address => uint256)) public registeredRewards;
63:     mapping(uint256 => mapping(address => Deposit)) public deposits;
64:     mapping(uint256 => mapping(address => WithdrawRequest)) public withdrawRequest;

I'd suggest these 3 related data get grouped in a struct, let's name it RewardInfo:

struct RewardInfo {  
  address convexPool;  
  RewardType[] rewards;  
  mapping(uint256 => mapping(address => Reward)) userReward;  
  mapping(address => uint256) registeredRewards;  
  mapping(address => Deposit) deposits;  
  mapping(address => WithdrawRequest) withdrawRequest;  

And it would be used as a state variable in this manner (where uint256 is pid):

mapping(uint256 => RewardInfo) rewardInfo;  

File: Shelter.sol

3 maps can be grouped together, as they use the same _token:

17:     mapping(IERC20 => mapping(address => bool)) public override claimed;
19:     mapping(IERC20 => uint256) public activated;
21:     mapping(IERC20 => uint256) public savedTokens;

I'd suggest these 3 related data get grouped in a struct, let's name it TokenInfo:

struct TokenInfo {  
  mapping(address => bool) claimed;  
  uint256 activated;  
  uint256 savedTokens;  

And it would be used as a state variable in this manner (where IERC20 is _token):

mapping(IERC20 => TokenInfo) tokenInfo;  


Functions that should be declared external

    - ConvexStakingWrapper.addRewards(uint256) (contracts/ConvexStakingWrapper.sol#93-140)
    - MasterChef.add(address,uint256,uint16,uint256) (contracts/MasterChef.sol#86-101)
    - MasterChef.massUpdatePools() (contracts/MasterChef.sol#127-132)


Possible division by 0

There are no checks that the denominator is != 0 at thoses lines:

library\CvxMining.sol:16:        uint256 cliff = supply / reductionPerCliff;
MasterChef.sol:120:            uint concurReward = multiplier.mul(concurPerBlock).mul(pool.allocPoint).div(totalAllocPoint);
MasterChef.sol:121:            accConcurPerShare = accConcurPerShare.add(concurReward.mul(_concurShareMultiplier).div(lpSupply));
MasterChef.sol:151:        uint concurReward = multiplier.mul(concurPerBlock).mul(pool.allocPoint).div(totalAllocPoint);
MasterChef.sol:152:        pool.accConcurPerShare = pool.accConcurPerShare.add(concurReward.mul(_concurShareMultiplier).div(lpSupply));
Shelter.sol:54:        uint256 amount = savedTokens[_token] * client.shareOf(_token, msg.sender) / client.totalShare(_token);
GalloDaSballo commented 2 years ago

Use safeTransfer or require()/conditional instead of transfer/transferFrom Agree

Use SafeERC20.safeApprove() disagree as impl is known

Deprecated library used for Solidity 0.8.11: SafeMath Actually safeMath is not deprecated:

Missing Address(0) checks Agree

Variables that should be constant Agree (but gas)

Variables that should be bounded Fee unbounded is dup of #242 (med)

Possible division by 0 You don't need it on 0.8.X

Rest is not too noteworthy

GalloDaSballo commented 2 years ago


JeeberC4 commented 2 years ago

@CloudEllie please create new issue for the Med finding above.

CloudEllie commented 2 years ago

Created separate issue for "Variables that should be bounded": #277