code-423n4 / 2022-02-skale-findings

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QA Report #45

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago

Low Severity

[L01] Outdated version of inherited contracts and upgrade library

@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable   4.3.2  -> 4.5.1 
@openzeppelin/hardhat-upgrades        1.10.0 -> 1.14.0   

[L02] Not calling inherited function directly

For instance


is not necessary. Just use __AccessControlEnumerable_init();. It compiles and all tests passed.

[L03] Require messages not indicative of the contracts

Almost all require message has no indication of which contract it is coming from. It is a good practice for debugging and monitoring purposes to mark the contract that reverted.

For example, the revert message could be "MessageProxy: Extra contract is not registered". Many other instances are also present in almost all contracts by globally search require.

[L04] Use initializer instead of onlyInitializing

In OpenZeppline-contracts-upgradeable v4.5 initializer has a new modifier

    modifier onlyInitializing() {
        require(_initializing, "Initializable: contract is not initializing");

to mark and protect the initializing functions that should not be called directly called.

Instances such as

[L05] Inconsistent use of schainHash or schainName when referencing a schain

There is inconsistency in referring to a schain, sometimes by bytes32 hash, sometimes by string name in a single contract.

For example, in SkaleManagerClient, uses schainNash and uses schainName.

Bytes32 should be preferred over string for gas-saving reasons.

[L06] Schain owner cannot add ERC20 token manually as specified in the doc

The specification in the doc is inconsistent with the code. For example in and the diagram is not consistent with the code.

Minter role in ERC20 is granted automatically either to TokenManagerERC20 or to the deployer in the constructor.

[L07] Outdated Solidity Version

Solidity version 0.8.6 is used throughout. Many updates have been applied to the compiler. A more recent version such as 0.8.10 would work better. The latest version is 0.8.11.

[L08] Use OnlyRole() modifier from inherited contract AccessControlUpgradeable

Many instances can be simplified using the OnlyRole modifier.

For instance, and and many other role-based require statements.


[N01] NatSpec on Events and Functions

Many functions and events do not have @param and @return labelled in Natspec, for instance

[N02] initialize functions positioned too much down the contract

initialize function is a special feature in upgradeability patterns and often important and prone to grave consequences too. It is a good practice to put them at the beginning of the contract, like those in the OpenZeppelin-contracts-upgradeable library.

[N03] Repeated code

Repeated unimplemented function postIncomingMessages() in both

and "@skalenetwork/ima-interfaces/IMessageProxy.sol" .

One can remove the one in MessageProxy.sol without affecting any test results.

Gas Saving

[G01] public functions can be external

Here are two example instances

DimaStebaev commented 2 years ago

L06: If SKALE chain owner adds custom ERC20 it must allow TokenManager to minting it. Custom token can have custom logic of minting N02: In our code style we always put public functions after external G01: They are called inside smart contract in child contracts

GalloDaSballo commented 2 years ago

[L01] Outdated version of inherited contracts and upgrade library

Would like to see explanation of vulns like other wardens, downgrading to non-critical

[L02] Not calling inherited function directly

Also non-critical as it's just explicit inheritance

[L03] Require messages not indicative of the contracts

Non-critical as if all messages are unique you don't need the contract, also the revert trace will show you the contract as well

[L04] Use initializer instead of onlyInitializing

I think this is an interesting and valid finding

[L05] Inconsistent use of schainHash or schainName when referencing a schain

Agree but Non-critical

[L06] Schain owner cannot add ERC20 token manually as specified in the doc

Disagree with finding per-sponsor reply

[L07] Outdated Solidity Version

Will leave as valid although the warden has missed some bugs from 0.8.6

[L08] Use OnlyRole() modifier from inherited contract AccessControlUpgradeable

Agree, but non-critical as it's just a refactoring

[N01] NatSpec on Events and Functions


[N02] initialize functions positioned too much down the contract

Per the sponsor's styleguide, consistency > dogma

[N03] Repeated code

I believe this is a test function but finding is valid nonetheless

I really like this report as it's short and sweet and has some interesting finds, good job!