code-423n4 / 2022-02-skale-findings

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Gas Optimizations #75

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago

Gas opt

1 Using 1 modifier to check ROLE currently this contract is using 3 modifier to check which address is validated to run the function. Just use 1 modifier and pass which role will run the function then pass the address into the modifier argument:

modifier onlyRole(bytes32 _role) {
        require(hasRole(_role, msg.sender), "ROLE is required");
//then run the function:
function foo(bytes) onlyRole(anyRole){}

2 Using && spend more gas

instead of using &&, using multiple require check can save execution gas fee:

            schainHash != keccak256(abi.encodePacked("Mainnet")),
            "Receiver chain is incorrect"
            sender == schainLinks[schainHash],
            "Receiver chain is incorrect"

3 Using new private function to validate connectedChains[value].inited create a new private function to run:

require(connectedChains[value].inited, "Error");

than call the code 4 times can save 18.018 gas when deploying the contract:

 function _foo(string memory _x)private view{
    require(connectedChains[_x].inited, "error");
 function removeConnectedChain(string memory schainName) public virtual override onlyChainConnector {
        bytes32 schainHash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(schainName));
        delete connectedChains[schainHash];

4 better increment for saving more gas

Prefix increment are cheaper than postfix increment, its a common that using ++i instead i++ for compiler ^0.8.* .So this f() are not using prefix increments (++i) or using the unchecked (++i).

it can be seen from here : and

Occurance :

blob/main/contracts/schain/TokenManagers/TokenManagerERC1155.sol    #L500, #L514 
blob/main/contracts/schain/MessageProxyForSchain.sol            #L118, #L222 
blob/main/contracts/schain/TokenManagerLinker.sol           #L151, #L166, #L192     
blob/main/contracts/MessageProxy.sol                    #L221, #L515
blob/main/contracts/mainnet/Linker.sol                  #L100, #L149, #L175
blob/main/contracts/mainnet/DepositBoxes/DepositBoxERC20.sol        #L76, #L276
blob/main/contracts/mainnet/DepositBoxes/DepositBoxERC721.sol       #L76, #L260
blob/main/contracts/mainnet/DepositBoxes/DepositBoxERC1155.sol      #L79, #L275, #L398, #L444, #L459

5 state variables that could be set as immutable

the erc721ContractOnSchain & receiverContractOnMainnet could be set as immutable to save more gas

Occurance :

blob/main/contracts/extensions/ERC721ReferenceMintAndMetadataSchain.sol #L34-35
blob/main/contracts/extensions/ERC721ReferenceMintAndMetadataMainnet.sol #L34

6 Custom errors from Solidity 0.8.4 are cheaper than revert strings. instead of using string to revert the error message, use error to declare the custom error, then replace the revert string with it.

error errorMessage();

7 using ++var instead += 1 change l 302 to:


8 Using storage can save gas instead of caching message in memory, read it from storage can save gas. The message var is just called once inl L 213

 TransferEthMessage storage message = TransferEthMessage(

9 unnecessary length declaration length var is just used once in the L 175. Its unnecessary to chace it in memory. Remove the line and call _mainnetContracts.length() directly:

for (uint i = 0; connected && i <  _mainnetContracts.length(); i++)

10 Dont set uint i = 0 by just declaring uint i; without set the value = 0 can save deployment gas fee. Do it on all for() loop

11 Set the default value on vars declaration by setting the value of headerMessageGasCost and messageGasCost on their declaration, can save gas without writing storage in initialize():

yavrsky commented 2 years ago

Only marginal gas improvements.

GalloDaSballo commented 2 years ago

Using 1 modifier to check ROLE

This does save gas on deploy but will not save gas on tx

Using && spend more

True, saved 3 gas

Using new private function to validate connectedChains[value].inited

Would save deployment cost but increase each call by 8 gas

better increment for saving more gas

21 * 3 = 63

state variables that could be set as immutable

Agree, that would save 2100 * 2 = 4200 gas

Custom errors from Solidity 0.8.4 are cheaper than revert strings.

Agree but hard to quantify in lack of math

using ++var instead += 1

Agree, saves 3 gas

Using storage can save gas

Saves 6 gas

unnecessary length declaration

Disagree, length is cached which is necessary

Dont set uint i = 0

Costs an extra 3 gas

set the default value on vars declaration

Disagree as it changes the functionality

Total Gas saved: 4286