code-423n4 / 2022-03-lifinance-findings

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[WP-M9] `sendNative` with CBridge will always revert #162

Closed code423n4 closed 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

function _startBridge(CBridgeData memory _cBridgeData) internal {
    Storage storage s = getStorage();
    address bridge = _bridge();

    // Do CBridge stuff
    require(s.cBridgeChainId != _cBridgeData.dstChainId, "Cannot bridge to the same network.");

    if (LibAsset.isNativeAsset(_cBridgeData.token)) {
    } else {


    * @notice Send a cross-chain transfer via the liquidity pool-based bridge using the native token.
    * @param _receiver The address of the receiver.
    * @param _amount The amount of the transfer.
    * @param _dstChainId The destination chain ID.
    * @param _nonce A unique number. Can be timestamp in practice.
    * @param _maxSlippage The max slippage accepted, given as percentage in point (pip). Eg. 5000 means 0.5%.
    * Must be greater than minimalMaxSlippage. Receiver is guaranteed to receive at least (100% - max slippage percentage) * amount or the
    * transfer can be refunded.
function sendNative(
    address _receiver,
    uint256 _amount,
    uint64 _dstChainId,
    uint64 _nonce,
    uint32 _maxSlippage
) external payable nonReentrant whenNotPaused {
    require(msg.value == _amount, "Amount mismatch");
    require(nativeWrap != address(0), "Native wrap not set");
    bytes32 transferId = _send(_receiver, nativeWrap, _amount, _dstChainId, _nonce, _maxSlippage);
    IWETH(nativeWrap).deposit{value: _amount}();
    emit Send(transferId, msg.sender, _receiver, nativeWrap, _amount, _dstChainId, _nonce, _maxSlippage);

ICBridge(bridge).sendNative() should be ICBridge(bridge).sendNative{ value: msg.value }(), and the current implementation will simply revert on the cBridge's side with the "Amount mismatch" error.


Change to: ICBridge(bridge).sendNative{ value: msg.value }()

H3xept commented 2 years ago

Duplicate of #35