code-423n4 / 2022-04-backd-findings

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QA Report #172

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago

Issue #1 (Low) - Setter function should check for Zero Address

When setting the community reserve address, should check for an input 0 address.

Issue #2 (Low) - Use of deprecated safeApprove()

OpenZeppelin lists this function as deprecated. It is recommended to use safeIncreaseAllowance.

OpenZeppelin Documentation:

Link to code:

Issue #3 (Low) - Front-runnable initializers

Lack of access control on an initialize function can be front-run, leading to redeployment.

Issue #4 (Low) - No transfer ownership pattern

In a couple places, transfer of an important admin address occurs without validation that the receiving address is correct. It is recommended to set the desired new address as pending until the new address is able to confirm the change. If the admin/strategist addresses are transferred incorrectly, issues will follow.

Issue #5 (Low) - Some tokens need to approve 0 when changing from non-zero to non-zero allowance

USDT for example will not work with the current implementation. The initial approve will succeed, but subsequent approvals will fail without resetting the approval to 0 first.

Issue #6 (Low) - Require message seems incorrect

The require checks the access of the sender to call the function, but the require message indicates that not enough BKD has been staked.

Issue #7 (Low) Register() function will succeed with 0 value maxFee

If the user calls register() with a maxFee = 0 then the register action will fail while they send 0 ether. The action won't be able to be enacted upon, so it's simply creating waste within the protocol. This action will show up in other function calls needlessly.

Issue #8 (Low) - Fee on transfer tokens not supported

If a token with fee on transfer is used, these actions will fail.

Issue #9 (Non-critical) - Order of params in comments doesn't match implementation

depositAmount and protocol are switched.

Issue #10 (Non-critical) - Typo in word "Community"

Issue #11 (Non-critical) - Typo in word "Note"