code-423n4 / 2022-04-backd-findings

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QA Report #185

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago

Non Critical

Typos in comments:

change trucate to truncate:

  156,36:      * @param length The length to trucate the list of topups to.

change prepraed to prepared:

  396,53:      * @dev Needs to be called after the update was prepraed. Fails if called before time delay is met.

  157,53:      * @dev Needs to be called after the update was prepraed. Fails if called before time delay is met.
  202,53:      * @dev Needs to be called after the update was prepraed. Fails if called before time delay is met.

  185,53:      * @dev Needs to be called after the update was prepraed. Fails if called before time delay is met.
  214,53:      * @dev Needs to be called after the update was prepraed. Fails if called before time delay is met.
  243,53:      * @dev Needs to be called after the update was prepraed. Fails if called before time delay is met.
  272,53:      * @dev Needs to be called after the update was prepraed. Fails if called before time delay is met.
  304,53:      * @dev Needs to be called after the update was prepraed. Fails if called before time delay is met.
  352,53:      * @dev Needs to be called after the update was prepraed. Fails if called before time delay is met.

  141,53:      * @dev Needs to be called after the update was prepraed. Fails if called before time delay is met.
  315,53:      * @dev Needs to be called after the update was prepraed. Fails if called before time delay is met.

  218,53:      * @dev Needs to be called after the update was prepraed. Fails if called before time delay is met.
  270,53:      * @dev Needs to be called after the update was prepraed. Fails if called before time delay is met.
  293,53:      * @dev Needs to be called after the update was prepraed. Fails if called before time delay is met.
  317,53:      * @dev Needs to be called after the update was prepraed. Fails if called before time delay is met.
  348,53:      * @dev Needs to be called after the update was prepraed. Fails if called before time delay is met.
  373,53:      * @dev Needs to be called after the update was prepraed. Fails if called before time delay is met.
  398,53:      * @dev Needs to be called after the update was prepraed. Fails if called before time delay is met.

change addres to address:

737,25:      * @dev Setting the addres to 0 means that the protocol will no longer be supported.

change succuessful to successful:

  27,73:     event SetHopImbalanceToleranceIn(uint256 value); // Emitted after a succuessful setting of hop imbalance tolerance in
  28,74:     event SetHopImbalanceToleranceOut(uint256 value); // Emitted after a succuessful setting of hop imbalance tolerance out

  65,68:     event SetCommunityReserve(address reserve); // Emitted after a succuessful setting of reserve
  66,74:     event SetCrvCommunityReserveShare(uint256 value); // Emitted after a succuessful setting of CRV Community Reserve Share
  67,74:     event SetCvxCommunityReserveShare(uint256 value); // Emitted after a succuessful setting of CVX Community Reserve Share
  68,70:     event SetImbalanceToleranceIn(uint256 value); // Emitted after a succuessful setting of imbalance tolerance in
  69,71:     event SetImbalanceToleranceOut(uint256 value); // Emitted after a succuessful setting of imbalance tolerance out
  70,65:     event SetStrategist(address strategist); // Emitted after a succuessful setting of strategist

  34,67:     event SetSlippageTolerance(uint256 value); // Emitted after a succuessful setting of slippage tolerance
  35,78:     event SetCurvePool(address token, address curvePool); // Emitted after a succuessful setting of a Curve Pool
  36,85:     event SetSwapViaUniswap(address token, bool swapViaUniswap); // Emitted after a succuessful setting of swap via Uniswap

change tolarance to tolerance:

  79,58:      * @param _hopImbalanceToleranceIn New hop imbalance tolarance in.
  95,59:      * @param _hopImbalanceToleranceOut New hop imbalance tolarance out.

  224,51:      * @param imbalanceToleranceIn_ New imbalance tolarance in.
  240,52:      * @param imbalanceToleranceOut_ New imbalance tolarance out.

change widthdrawn to withdrawn:

  136,68:      * @param _underlyingAmount Amount of underlying that is being widthdrawn from Curve Pool.

  248,59:      * @param _hopLpAmount Amount of Hop LP that is being widthdrawn from Curve Pool.
  282,68:      * @param _underlyingAmount Amount of underlying that is being widthdrawn from Curve Hop Pool.

change mininum to minimum:

  258,20:      * @return The mininum Hop LP balance to accept.
  295,20:      * @return The mininum underlying balance to accept.

change suceptible to susceptible:

  154,50:      * @dev Uses get_virtual_price which is less suceptible to manipulation.
  165,50:      * @dev Uses get_virtual_price which is less suceptible to manipulation.

  304,50:      * @dev Uses get_virtual_price which is less suceptible to manipulation.
  315,50:      * @dev Uses get_virtual_price which is less suceptible to manipulation.
  326,50:      * @dev Uses get_virtual_price which is less suceptible to manipulation.
  340,50:      * @dev Uses get_virtual_price which is less suceptible to manipulation.

change Retuns to Returns:

  644,16:      * @notice Retuns if the pool has an active deposit limit

change Overriden to Overridden:

  804,13:      * @dev Overriden for testing

change deos to does:

  297,41:      * @dev Does not revert if the pool deos not exist
  308,33:      * @dev Reverts if the pool deos not exist

change exipred to expired:

  131,26:      * @notice Processes exipred locks.

change collaterization to collateralization:

  85,28:      * @notice Returns the collaterization ratio of the user.
  86,71:      *         A result of 1.5 (x1e18) means that the user has a 150% collaterization ratio.

change repayed to repaid:

  103,44:      * @return The amount of debt that was repayed in the underlying.

change palce to place:

  10,58:  * callers should make sure to have the proper checks in palce

change commited to committed:

  34,51:      * @notice Prepares an uint256 that should be commited to the contract
  58,51:      * @notice Prepares an address that should be commited to the contract

change transfered to transferred:

  79,48:      * @dev We notify that LP tokens have been transfered

change communit to community:

  175,39:      * @notice Set the address of the communit reserve.

change indicies to indices:

  292,41:      * @dev Returns the Curve Pool coin indicies for a given Token.
  293,55:      * @param curvePool_ The Curve Pool to return the indicies for.
  294,43:      * @param token_ The Token to get the indicies for.

change recieve to receive:

  307,52:      * @dev Returns the minimum amount of Token to recieve from swap.
  310,60:      * @return minAmountOut The minimum amount of Token to recieve from swap.
  324,51:      * @dev Returns the minimum amount of WETH to recieve from swap.
  327,59:      * @return minAmountOut The minimum amount of WETH to recieve from swap.
chase-manning commented 2 years ago

I consider this report to be of particularly high quality