ConvexStrategyBase's withdrawAll uses Curve pool data to estimate accepted minimum amount, which is a subject to manipulation, allowing sandwich attacks.
Trades can happen at a manipulated price and end up receiving fewer tokens than current market price dictates.
Placing severity to medium as withdrawAll can pull substantial amount of funds, making sandwich attacks economically viable, while they result in a partial fund loss.
Proof of Concept
withdrawAll calls _withdrawAll for funds withdrawal:
Lines of code
Vulnerability details
ConvexStrategyBase's withdrawAll uses Curve pool data to estimate accepted minimum amount, which is a subject to manipulation, allowing sandwich attacks.
Trades can happen at a manipulated price and end up receiving fewer tokens than current market price dictates.
Placing severity to medium as withdrawAll can pull substantial amount of funds, making sandwich attacks economically viable, while they result in a partial fund loss.
Proof of Concept
withdrawAll calls _withdrawAll for funds withdrawal:
_withdrawAll uses _minUnderlyingAccepted for slippage control:
_minUnderlyingAccepted is based on _lpToUnderlying:
_lpToUnderlying is calculated from pool's get_virtual_price:
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Consider adding minimum accepted return argument to the
and condition execution success on it.