code-423n4 / 2022-04-backed-findings

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QA Report #31

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago

Title: In the following public update functions no value is returned Severity: Low Risk

In the following functions no value is returned, due to which by default value of return will be 0. We assumed that after the update you return the latest new value. (similar issue here:

    NFTLoanFacilitator.sol, updateOriginationFeeRate
    NFTLoanFacilitator.sol, updateRequiredImprovementRate

Title: Does not validate the input fee parameter Severity: Low Risk

Some fee parameters of functions are not checked for invalid values. Validate the parameters:

    NFTLoanFacilitator.updateOriginationFeeRate (_originationFeeRate)

Title: Add a timelock Severity: Low Risk

To give more trust to users: functions that set key/critical variables should be put behind a timelock.

Title: Mult instead div in compares Severity: Low Risk

To improve algorithm precision instead using division in comparison use multiplication in the following scenario:

        Instead a < b / c use a * c < b. 

In all of the big and trusted contracts this rule is maintained.

    NFTLoanFacilitator.sol, 177, && previousInterestRate - (previousInterestRate * requiredImprovementRate / SCALAR) >= interestRate), "NFTLoanFacilitator: proposed terms must be better than existing terms");
    NFTLoanFacilitator.sol, 175, || previousDurationSeconds + (previousDurationSeconds * requiredImprovementRate / SCALAR) <= durationSeconds
    NFTLoanFacilitator.sol, 174, require((previousLoanAmount * requiredImprovementRate / SCALAR) <= amountIncrease

Title: Check transfer receiver is not 0 to avoid burned money Severity: Low Risk

Transferring tokens to the zero address is usually prohibited to accidentally avoid "burning" tokens by sending them to an unrecoverable zero address.

Title: Override function but with different argument location Severity: Low/Med Risk

    BorrowTicket.sol.constructor inherent NFTLoanTicket.sol.constructor but the parameters does not match
    LendTicket.sol.constructor inherent NFTLoanTicket.sol.constructor but the parameters does not match

Title: transfer return value of a general ERC20 is ignored Severity: Low: Can be even High Risk

Need to use safeTransfer instead of transfer. As there are popular tokens, such as USDT that transfer/trasnferFrom method doesn’t return anything. The transfer return value has to be checked (as there are some other tokens that returns false instead revert), that means you must

  1. Check the transfer return value Another popular possibility is to add a whiteList. Those are the appearances (solidity file, line number, actual line):

    NFTLoanFacilitator.sol, 88 (createLoan), IERC721(collateralContractAddress).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), collateralTokenId);

Title: Not verified input Severity: Low Risk

external / public functions parameters should be validated to make sure the address is not 0.
Otherwise if not given the right input it can mistakenly lead to loss of user funds.

    NFTLoanFacilitator.sol.withdrawOriginationFees asset
    NFTLoanFacilitator.sol.createLoan loanAssetContractAddress
    NFTLoanFacilitator.sol.lend sendLendTicketTo
    LendTicket.sol.loanFacilitatorTransfer to
    NFTLoanFacilitator.sol.setLendTicketContract _contract
wilsoncusack commented 2 years ago

In the following public update functions no value is returned

won't change

Add a timelock

these can only be set once, doesn't make sense to me

Mult instead div in compares

need more detail, I think we are doing this? help wanted

Check transfer receiver is not 0 to avoid burned money

155 - not relevant 48 - is prevented on 37, and even this is not needed because we know the ownerOf lend ticket in this case is no address(0) 21 - same as above 267 - transfer to address(0) will be blocked by LoanTicket which is Solmate erc721 which blocks transfers to 0. Also not possible borrowTicker owner is address 0 88 - not relevant, is transferring to self

Override function but with different argument location

dispute, need more details

transfer return value of a general ERC20 is ignored

dispute, line given is an ERC721 transfer

Not verified input

asset - call will fail / no-op if call is not correct loanAssetContractAddress - legit, we check that it is not address(0) in lend but we should also check that the code length is not 0. sendLendTicketTo - user is responsible, but address(0) will revert to - address(0) is checked _contract - won't fix