L01: funding.sol: setCitadelAssetPriceBounds does not check that the bounds are valid with the current CitadelAssetPrice
Calling setCitadelAssetPriceBounds with _minPrice, _maxPrice where citadelPriceInAsset is
not in that range should not be allowed. This can result in a weird state, even though it will not cause a severe vulnerability.
If an invalid _unlockBegin is given such that _unlockBegin + vestingDuration < block.timestamp
then the user will be able to claim vestingToken straight away.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
require(_unlockBegin >= block.timestamp)
L03: missing zero address check in functions
Functions in some of the contracts are missing checks that address != 0.
Using such addresses can brake the protocol.
if feeBps = 0 then (amount * feeBps) / MAX_BPS; will be 0 anyway, no need
for the if statement
NC03: StakedCitadelVester.claim, use require(amount != 0) instead of if (amount != 0)
If there is no claimable balance or the requested amount is 0, then claim should fail on a
require. replace if (amount != 0) with require(amount != 0, "error msg")
NC05: StakedCitadel.ONE_ETH visibility should be explicit
default visibility is internal however it is good practice to specify it explicitly.
change ONE_ETH to
uint256 internal constant ONE_ETH = 1e18;
NC06: StakedCitadel._withdraw: calling with shares > 0, totalSupply() = 0, will cause zero division error
trying to withdraw while the total supply of the token is 0, will cause a zero division error.
Instead should add require(totalSupply() != 0), "msg" with an informative message, to make the error clear to the caller.
L01: funding.sol: setCitadelAssetPriceBounds does not check that the bounds are valid with the current CitadelAssetPrice
with _minPrice, _maxPrice wherecitadelPriceInAsset
is not in that range should not be allowed. This can result in a weird state, even though it will not cause a severe vulnerability.Proof Of Concept
Recommended Mitigation Steps
require(citadelPriceInAsset >= _minPrice && citadelPriceInAsset <= _maxPrice)
to the functionL02 StakedCitadelVester.vest does not check that _unlockBegin is valid.
If an invalid _unlockBegin is given such that
_unlockBegin + vestingDuration < block.timestamp
then the user will be able to claim vestingToken straight away.Recommended Mitigation Steps
require(_unlockBegin >= block.timestamp)
L03: missing zero address check in functions
Functions in some of the contracts are missing checks that address != 0. Using such addresses can brake the protocol.
StakedCitadelLocker.addReward StakedCitadelLocker.approveRewardDistributor StakedCitadelLocker.setStakingContract StakedCitadelVester.vest Funding.setDiscountManager
Recommended Mitigation Steps
require(_var_name != address(0), "address 0 invalid");
NC01: KnightingRound.sol: should check tokenInLimit > 0
should require tokenInLimit > 0, when tokenInLimit = 0 the knigting round isn't functional.
require(_tokenInLimit > 0)
in initialize and setTokenInLimitNC02: StakedCitadel._calculateFee unecessary if (feeBps == 0)
feeBps = 0
then(amount * feeBps) / MAX_BPS;
will be 0 anyway, no need for the if statementNC03: StakedCitadelVester.claim, use
require(amount != 0)
instead ofif (amount != 0)
If there is no claimable balance or the requested amount is 0, then claim should fail on a require. replace
if (amount != 0)
withrequire(amount != 0, "error msg")
NC04: Missing documentation
Many functions and complex logic are missing informative documentation and comments.
CitadelMinter.getFundingPoolWeights CitadelMinter.initializeLastMintTimestamp CitadelMinter._transferToFundingPools CitadelMinter._removeFundingPool CitadelMinter._addFundingPool Funding.clearCitadelPriceFlag Funding.setSaleRecipient Funding.setCitadelAssetPriceBounds StakedCitadelVester.initialize SupplySchedule.initialize SupplySchedule.getCurrentEpoch SupplySchedule.getEmissionsForEpoch SupplySchedule.getEmissionsForCurrentEpoch SupplySchedule.getMintable SupplySchedule.setMintingStart SupplySchedule.setEpochRate
NC05: StakedCitadel.ONE_ETH visibility should be explicit
default visibility is
however it is good practice to specify it explicitly. change ONE_ETH touint256 internal constant ONE_ETH = 1e18;
NC06: StakedCitadel._withdraw: calling with shares > 0, totalSupply() = 0, will cause zero division error
trying to withdraw while the total supply of the token is 0, will cause a zero division error. Instead should add
require(totalSupply() != 0), "msg"
with an informative message, to make the error clear to the caller.https://github.com/code-423n4/2022-04-badger-citadel/blob/18f8c392b6fc303fe95602eba6303725023e53da/src/StakedCitadel.sol#L811
NC07: Funding.sweep: emit after transfer
It is good practice and more readable to emit at the end.
NC08: SupplySchedule.getEpochAtTimestamp wrong documentation,
this comment is meant for
and not forgetEpochAtTimestamp
. Can be confusing while reading the code.https://github.com/code-423n4/2022-04-badger-citadel/blob/18f8c392b6fc303fe95602eba6303725023e53da/src/SupplySchedule.sol#L52
NC09: SupplySchedule.getEmissionsForEpoch should check that _epoch is valid
require that the _epoch is valid and has a rate, this is better than returning 0.
change getEmissionsForEpoch to:
NC10: simplify logic in CitadelMinter.setFundingPoolWeight
this logic:
is unecessarily complex, can simplify to:
This is much more readable and saves gas.
NC11: Add error message to
in StakedCitadelLocker.solMost
statements in this contract are missing an error message. One should be added.Example:
require(_stakingToken != address(0))
->require(_stakingToken != address(0), "zero adress")
NC12: Funding.sol: use unit256 consistantly , replace unit
use uint256 or unit consistently, preferably
funding.sol 224
funding.sol 419
NC13: a += b rather than a = a + b
a += b is cleaner than a = a + b.
totalTokenIn = totalTokenIn + _tokenInAmount;
->totalTokenIn += _tokenInAmount;
example in repo