code-423n4 / 2022-04-jpegd-findings

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QA Report #215

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago

Issue #1 (Low) - Floating Pragma

All contracts contain a floating pragma. It is recommended to deploy all contracts with a single, specific compiler version to reduce the risk of compiler-specific bugs and contracts deployed with different versions.

A single example can be found here:

Issue #2 (Low) - Lack of CEI Pattern

In LPFarming.sol, the claim() and claimAll() functions do not follow a proper checks-effects-interactions pattern. There is no vulnerability in these functions due to the nonReentrant modifier and apparent lack of control flow transfer with the JPEG token, however, it is a simple security upgrade to move the userRewards[msg.sender] = 0 line above jpeg.safeTransfer(msg.sender, rewards);

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Issue #3 (Low) - Comment vs code conflict for newEpoch

As discussed in my previously submitted Medium finding called "Owner of LPFarming.sol can DOS rewards by stopping epoch at any time", there are two discrepancies between the comments of the newEpoch() function and the code implementation.

  1. Comment says "@notice Allows the owner to start a new epoch. Can only be called when there's no ongoing epoch". There are no checks in the code whether there is an ongoing epoch or not.
  2. Comment says "@param _startBlock The new epoch's start block. Has to be greater than the previous epoch's endBlock". There are no checks that the new epoch's start block is greater than the original epoch's end block.

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Issue #4 (Low) - Front-runnable initializer

Lack of access control on initialize(), can be front-run requiring re-deployment.

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Issue #5 (Low) - Input addresses should verify != 0

Several addresses set in the following initialize function do not verify that the input address are not the zero address.

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Issue #6 (Low) - Call to .decimals() which may not be supported for all tokens

Depending on the function used to deposit in yVault.sol, a call to token.decimals() may return errors since decimals() is not and ERC20 standard function.

Issue #7 (Low) - Comment vs Code conflict for setContractWhitelisted

The setContractWhitelisted() function explains that calling this function allows the owner to whitelist contracts. This is slightly untrue since the function does not include any logic to determine if the address is a contract or not. Therefore, EOA's can be added to the contract address. The logic to decipher if the account is a contract or EOA is used higher up in the same contract. Adding a check for only contracts will make the comments match the function execution.

Issue #8 (Non-critical) - Insurance typo

Insurace should be spelled insurance.

Issue #9 (Non-critical) - Condition order continuity

It would make sense to order the conditions of the following statements in the same fashion to increase code clarity.

address(0) == positionOwner[_nftIndex]

positionOwner[_nftIndex] == address(0)