code-423n4 / 2022-04-mimo-findings

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Fund loss or theft by attacker with creating a flash loan and setting SuperVault as receiver so executeOperation() will be get called by lendingPool but with attackers specified params #123

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


According to Aave documentation, when requesting flash-loan, it's possible to specify a receiver, so function executeOperation() of that receiver will be called by lendingPool. In the SuperVault there is no check to prevent this attack so attacker can use this and perform griefing attack and make miner contract lose all its funds. or he can create specifically crafted params so when executeOperation() is called by lendingPool, attacker could steal vault's user funds.

Proof of Concept

To exploit this attacker will do this steps:

  1. will call Aave lendingPool to get a flash-loan and specify SuperVault as receiver of flash-loan. and also create a specific params that invoke Operation.REBALANCE action to change user vault's collateral.
  2. lendingPool will call executeOperation() of SuperVault with attacker specified data.
  3. executeOperation() will check msg.sender and will process the function call which will cause some dummy exchanges that will cost user exchange fee and flash-loan fee.
  4. attacker will repeat this attack until user losses all his funds.

    function executeOperation(
    address[] calldata assets,
    uint256[] calldata amounts,
    uint256[] calldata premiums,
    bytes calldata params
    ) external returns (bool) {
    require(msg.sender == address(lendingPool), "SV002");
    (Operation operation, bytes memory operationParams) = abi.decode(params, (Operation, bytes));
    IERC20 asset = IERC20(assets[0]);
    uint256 flashloanRepayAmount = amounts[0] + premiums[0];
    if (operation == Operation.LEVERAGE) {
      leverageOperation(asset, flashloanRepayAmount, operationParams);
    if (operation == Operation.REBALANCE) {
      rebalanceOperation(asset, amounts[0], flashloanRepayAmount, operationParams);
    if (operation == Operation.EMPTY) {
      emptyVaultOperation(asset, amounts[0], flashloanRepayAmount, operationParams);
    asset.approve(address(lendingPool), flashloanRepayAmount);
    return true;

To steal user fund in SupperVault attacker needs more steps. in all these actions (Operation.REBALANCE, Operation.LEVERAGE, Operation.EMPTY) contract will call aggregatorSwap() with data that are controlled by attacker.

  function aggregatorSwap(
    uint256 dexIndex,
    IERC20 token,
    uint256 amount,
    bytes memory dexTxData
  ) internal {
    (address proxy, address router) = _dexAP.dexMapping(dexIndex);
    require(proxy != address(0) && router != address(0), "SV201"); 
    token.approve(proxy, amount);;

Attacker can put special data in dexTxData that make contract to do an exchange with bad price. To do this, attacker will create a smart contract that will do this steps:

  1. manipulate price in exchange with flash loan.
  2. make a call to executeOperation() by Aave flash-loan with receiver and specific params so that SuperVault will make calls to manipulated exchange for exchanging.
  3. do the reverse of #1 and pay the flash-loan and steal the user fund. The details are: Attacker can manipulate swapping pool price with flash-loan, then Attacker will create specific params and perform steps 1 to 4. so contract will try to exchange tokens and because of attacker price manipulation and specific dexTxData, contract will have bad deals. After that, attacker can reverse the process of swap manipulation and get his flash-loan tokens and some of SuperVault funds and. then pay the flash-loan.

Tools Used


Recommended Mitigation Steps

There should be some state variable which stores the fact that SuperVault imitated flash-loan. When contract tries to start flash-loan, it sets the isFlash to True and executeOperation() only accepts calls if isFlash is True. and after the flash loan code will set isFlash to False.

m19 commented 2 years ago

We definitely confirm this issue and intend to fix it. Duplicate of #107 but this one is better documented