code-423n4 / 2022-05-backd-findings

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BurnToTarget can be exploited to receive more LP tokens #169

Closed code423n4 closed 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

Issue: _depositInPool uses address(this).balance

Consequences: exploiter will get more lp tokens

File: FeeBurner.sol
81:         // Depositing target underlying into target pool
82:         uint256 targetLpTokenBalance_ = _depositInPool(targetUnderlying_, targetPool_);
84:         // Transfering LP tokens back to sender
85:         IERC20(targetLpToken_).safeTransfer(msg.sender, targetLpTokenBalance_);
86:         emit Burned(targetLpToken_, targetLpTokenBalance_);
87:         return targetLpTokenBalance_;
File: FeeBurner.sol
096:     function _depositInPool(address underlying_, ILiquidityPool pool_)
097:         internal
098:         returns (uint256 received)
099:     {
100:         // Handling ETH deposits
101:         if (underlying_ == address(0)) {
102:             uint256 ethBalance_ = address(this).balance;
103:             return pool_.deposit{value: ethBalance_}(ethBalance_);
104:         }
106:         // Handling ERC20 deposits
107:         _approve(underlying_, address(pool_));
108:   }

Proof of Concept

chase-manning commented 2 years ago

No user should randomly transfer ETH the FeeBurner contract. That is not part of standard functionality. If they do, they should expect to lose their ETH. And if someone else gets their ETH, that's better than it being stuck in the contract.

GalloDaSballo commented 2 years ago

I have to agree with the sponsor that the contract is meant to be called with a msg.value, and for the sake of not wasting resources it checks the balance of token / ETH it has at the time of the call and it accredits it to the caller, this is very similar to how most periphery / router would work

I fail to see how the contract would receive free ETH and in lack of that argument, I don't believe there's any vulnerability here