code-423n4 / 2022-05-backd-findings

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BkdLocker depositFees can be blocked #8

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


burnFees will fail if none of the pool tokens have underlying token as native ETH token. This is shown below. Since burnFees fails so no fees is deposited in BKDLocker

Proof of Concept

  1. Assume RewardHandler.sol has currently amount 5 as address(this).balance (ethBalance) (even attacker can send a small balance to this contract to do this dos attack)
  2. None of the pools have underlying as address(0) so no ETH tokens and only ERC20 tokens are present
  3. Now feeBurner.burnToTarget is called passing current ETH balance of amount 5 with all pool tokens
  4. feeBurner loops through all tokens and swap them to WETH. Since none of the token is ETH so burningEth_ variable is false
  5. Now the below require condition fails since burningEth_ is false
require(burningEth_ || msg.value == 0, Error.INVALID_VALUE);
  1. This fails the burnFees function.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

ETH should not be sent if none of pool underlying token is ETH. Change it to something like below:

bool ethFound=false;
for (uint256 i; i < pools.length; i = i.uncheckedInc()) {
            ILiquidityPool pool = ILiquidityPool(pools[i]);
            address underlying = pool.getUnderlying();
            if (underlying != address(0)) {
                _approve(underlying, address(feeBurner));
            } else
            tokens[i] = underlying;

        feeBurner.burnToTarget{value: ethBalance}(tokens, targetLpToken);
} else {
feeBurner.burnToTarget(tokens, targetLpToken);
GalloDaSballo commented 2 years ago

The warden has shown how, due to a flaw in the logic, if ETH is present in the contract and no pool is denominated in ETH, then the contract will revert.

This can be done as a DOS attack or for griefing.

However, remediation would simply require adding a pool denominated in ETH, to ensure that the logic goes through

For this reason, I believe Medium Severity to be more appropriate