code-423n4 / 2022-05-backd-findings

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Gas Optimizations #90

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago
  1. Don't change storage variable needlessly contracts\BkdLocker.sol#L144 Currently it replaces stashedWithdraws[i] even if "i" equals to "stashedWithdraws.length - 1". And it calculates stashedWithdraws.length every time after pop right, you can reduce gas by changing the length variable. You can replace L144 like below.

--length; if(i != length) {     stashedWithdraws[i] = stashedWithdraws[length]; }

  1. Needless conditions. contracts\tokenomics\InflationManager.sol#L575 contracts\tokenomics\InflationManager.sol#L589 contracts\tokenomics\InflationManager.sol#L602

From the logic of the contract, "totalKeeperPoolWeight" will be always non-negative. Even if this value could be negative, it will be revoked with underflow error before.

  1. Use != 0 instead of > 0 for uint variables contracts\BkdLocker.sol#L91 contracts\BkdLocker.sol#L92 contracts\BkdLocker.sol#L137 contracts\BkdLocker.sol#L139 contracts\BkdLocker.sol#L254 contracts\BkdLocker.sol#L301 contracts\tokenomics\AmmGauge.sol#L88 contracts\tokenomics\AmmGauge.sol#L104 contracts\tokenomics\AmmGauge.sol#L125 contracts\tokenomics\AmmGauge.sol#L147 contracts\tokenomics\FeeBurner.sol#L117 contracts\tokenomics\KeeperGauge.sol#L140 contracts\tokenomics\LpGauge.sol#L68 contracts\tokenomics\LpGauge.sol#L114 contracts\tokenomics\VestedEscrow.sol#L84 contracts\RewardHandler.sol#L63

  2. Change storage to memory if possible contracts\BkdLocker.sol#L251

  3. An array’s length should be cached to save gas in for-loops contracts\StakerVault.sol#L259 contracts\tokenomics\FeeBurner.sol#L56 contracts\tokenomics\InflationManager.sol#L116 contracts\tokenomics\VestedEscrow.sol#L94 contracts\zaps\PoolMigrationZap.sol#L22 contracts\zaps\PoolMigrationZap.sol#L39

  4. Usage of unchecked can reduce the gas cost contracts\StakerVault.sol#L387

allowances[src][msg.sender] = allowance.uncheckedSub(unstaked);

GalloDaSballo commented 2 years ago

Don't change storage variable needlessly

I don't believe the suggestion will work, in lack of POC I'm not giving it points The suggested change goes out of bounds (last element of array is array.length - 1)

Needless conditions.

Saves 3 gas 3 * 3 = 9

Use != 0 instead of > 0 for uint variables

Only for Requires, listed below

contracts\BkdLocker.sol#L91 contracts\BkdLocker.sol#L92 contracts\BkdLocker.sol#L137 contracts\tokenomics\AmmGauge.sol#L104 contracts\tokenomics\AmmGauge.sol#L125 contracts\tokenomics\KeeperGauge.sol#L140 contracts\tokenomics\VestedEscrow.sol#L84

3 * 7 = 21

Change storage to memory if possible

In lack of POC I can't give it any points

An array’s length should be cached to save gas in for-loops

3 per instance

3 * 6 = 18

Usage of unchecked can reduce the gas cost

Would save 20 gas

Total Gas Saved 68