code-423n4 / 2022-05-cally-findings

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Gas Optimizations #261

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago

List of contents:

Vault struct may be packed further

The currentStrike and dutchAuctionReserveStrike fields of the Vault struct current use a full slot each

However we know that the greatest value which these can take is 6765e18:

These will both fit in a uint128 allowing them to fit in the same slot.

feeRate and protocolUnclaimedFees may be packed in storage

As we know that feeRate is bounded above by 1e18, it will fit in a uint64, This would leave 192bits for protocolUnclaimedFees - enough for 6.2 * 10^39 Ether - we can then safely pack these values together in the same slot.

Unnecessary bounds checking of provided enum values

On this line we check that the provided enum value is any of the valid enum values for TokenType:

This is unnecessary as if an invalid value for the enum were passed, this would be automatically picked up by solidity and fail before we even reach this line of code.

See this finding:

Use bitwise and instead of modulo 2

We often check if a tokenId is odd or even to see if a user is interacting with an option or a vault. As we only need to check the final bit to determine this we don't need all the overhead of the modulo operator.

We can instead just use a bitwise and with 1 (x & 1) to perform the same check for cheaper.


Some arithmetic can be made unchecked

In a number of places we perform checked arithmetic where we know the result cannot over/underflow.

vault.durationDays <= 256 so this won't overflow until about 80 years time.

No vault with tokenId == 0 exists:

Will not overflow unless protocol fee is above 100% (which should be prevented):

The multiplications here will fit nicely in a uint256 for even the largest strike price so checking for overflows is unnecessary:

outdoteth commented 2 years ago

high quality report