code-423n4 / 2022-05-opensea-seaport-findings

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QA Report #74

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago

Quality Report

Repo commit referenced: 49799ce156d979132c9924a739ae45a38b39ecdd


1. Adding a new variable to the assembly

For lines 82-86, we can define a new YUL variable, basicOrderType to remove the need to call calldataload twice and also adding the BasicOrder_basicOrderType_cdPtr twice to the stack, the modified code block would look like this:

let basicOrderType := calldataload(BasicOrder_basicOrderType_cdPtr)

// Mask all but 2 least-significant bits to derive the order type.
orderType := and(basicOrderType, 3)

// Divide basicOrderType by four to derive the route.
route := div(basicOrderType, 4)

This would make the code more readable and also should require less gas.

2. Missing parameter NatSpec info

Function _transferERC20AndFinalize is missing a NatSpec info for accumulator. Need to add:

* @param accumulator An open-ended array that collects transfers to execute
*                    against a given conduit in a single call.


Typo in SpentItem NatSpec comment d is missing from and (Line 68):

- * @dev A spent item is translated from a utilized offer item an has four
+  * @dev A spent item is translated from a utilized offer item and has four


1. Modify For loops to save gas

On line 56 and 166 the for loops can be modified to:

uint256 i = 0;

// Iterate over each criteria resolver.
for (; i < totalCriteriaResolvers;) {

i = 0;

// Iterate over each advanced order.
for (; i < totalAdvancedOrders;) {

Note. We don't need to use unchecked for ++i since both for loop blocks are child nodes of a bigger unchecked block.

The same modification can be made for the for loops with the j counter on line 184 and 199.

2. Redundant array element lookup

One line 177, the ith element of advancedOrders is lookup even though that element is already have been saved in memory as advancedOrder

Current (lines 168-178):

AdvancedOrder memory advancedOrder = advancedOrders[i];

// Skip criteria resolution for order if not fulfilled.
if (advancedOrder.numerator == 0) {

// Retrieve the parameters for the order.
OrderParameters memory orderParameters = (

So we can reuse advancedOrder and the modified block would be:

AdvancedOrder memory advancedOrder = advancedOrders[i];

// Skip criteria resolution for order if not fulfilled.
if (advancedOrder.numerator == 0) {

// Retrieve the parameters for the order.
OrderParameters memory orderParameters = (


- advancedOrders[i].parameters
+ advancedOrder.parameters


Using the AccumulatorArmed defined constants from ConsiderationConstants.sol, we can rewrite Executor.sol:L433:

// file: contracts/lib/Executor.sol:L433

- if (accumulator.length != 64) {
+ if (accumulator.length != AccumulatorArmed) {


1. Typo in comment

The if block on lines 180-183 has typos for the comment before the if block:

// Set the offerer as the receipient if execution amount is nonzero.
if (execution.item.amount == 0) {
    execution.item.recipient = payable(execution.offerer);

nonzero needs to be changed to zero and receipient to recipient

- // Set the offerer as the receipient if execution amount is nonzero.
+ // Set the offerer as the recipient if execution amount is zero.


1. Typo

Typo in comment on line 131, offer items should be consideration items:

- // Iterate over the offer items (not including tips).
+ // Iterate over the consideration items (not including tips).

2. Unpredictable Memory Location

On line 170 a memory location has been set with an unpredictable address/content:

let typeHashPtr := sub(orderParameters, OneWord)


For the function _validateOrdersAndPrepareToFulfill is the maximumFulfilled has been reached, the loop keeps continuing without essentailly doing anything other than wasting gas, since on line 196 it keeps jumping to the next i value. The continue statement on line 196 should be replaced by the break statement to exit the loop. (Ref)

for (uint256 i = 0; i < totalOrders; ++i) {
    // Retrieve the current order.
    AdvancedOrder memory advancedOrder = advancedOrders[i];

    // Determine if max number orders have already been fulfilled.
    if (maximumFulfilled == 0) {
        // Mark fill fraction as zero as the order will not be used.
        advancedOrder.numerator = 0;

        // Update the length of the orderHashes array.
        assembly {
            mstore(orderHashes, add(i, 1))

        // Continue iterating through the remaining orders.
-        continue;
+        break;


To optimize the for loop in Lines 468-475

The code block below:

// Skip overflow check as the index for the loop starts at zero.
unchecked {
    // Iterate over the given orders.
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < totalOrders; ++i) {
        // Convert to partial order (1/1 or full fill) and update array.
        advancedOrders[i] = _convertOrderToAdvanced(orders[i]);

can be changed too:

// Skip overflow check as the index for the loop starts at zero.
unchecked {
    // Iterate over the given orders.
    uint256 i = 0;
    for (; i < totalOrders;) {
        // Convert to partial order (1/1 or full fill) and update array.
        advancedOrders[i] = _convertOrderToAdvanced(orders[i]);



In the function _performERC1155BatchTransfers(ConduitBatch1155Transfer[] calldata batchTransfers) on line 542 the data length offset value is incorrect.

// Set the length of the data array in memory to zero.

This value is used to call a safeBatchTransferFrom(address from, address to, uint256[] ids, uint256[] amounts, bytes data) endpoint on a ERC1155 contract.

The formula for the offset should be:


\text{data_length_offset} = \mathtt{0x20} + \mathtt{0x04} + \mathtt{0xa0} + \text{idsAndAmountsSize} \ = \mathtt{0xc4} + \text{idsAndAmountsSize}


Currently the offset is $\mathtt{0x104} + \text{idsAndAmountsSize}$ which expands memory 2 words extra more than the necessary amount.

Here is an example (cast from foundry):

>> cast abi-encode "safeBatchTransferFrom(address,address,uint256[],uint256[],bytes)" 0x8496a8EDc4A0894123062194015c0Cf86b7A277c 0x8496a8EDc4A0894123062194015c0Cf86b7A277c [] [] 0x

0x00 0000000000000000000000008496a8edc4a0894123062194015c0cf86b7a277c from
0x20 0000000000000000000000008496a8edc4a0894123062194015c0cf86b7a277c to
0x40 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000a0 head(ids)
0x60 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000c0 head(amounts)
0x80 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000e0 head(data)
0xa0 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ids_length
0xc0 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 amounts_length
0xe0 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 data_length

The above ABI encoding does not include the ZeroSlot in the memory and also the function signature after adding those according to the instruction in _performERC1155BatchTransfers we would get:

0x000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ZeroSlot
0x004 2eb2c2d6
0x024 0000000000000000000000008496a8edc4a0894123062194015c0cf86b7a277c from
0x044 0000000000000000000000008496a8edc4a0894123062194015c0cf86b7a277c to
0x064 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000a0 head(ids)
0x084 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000c0 head(amounts)
0x0a4 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000e0 head(data)
0x0c4 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ids_length
0x0e4 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 amounts_length
0x104 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 data_length

In this example we have idsAndAmountsSize = 0x40 = TwoWords and the constant BatchTransfer1155Params_data_length_basePtr = 0x104 (based on TokenTransferrerConstants.sol), so according to the line TokenTransferrer.sol:542 the data_length memory offset would need to be 0x144 which is outside of the neccesssary memory area.

To fix this error, these changes need to be applied:

Block before change:

// file: contract/lib/TokenTransferrer:L541

// Set the length of the data array in memory to zero.

// Determine the total calldata size for the call to transfer.
let transferDataSize := add(
    mul(idsLength, TwoWords)

Block after change:

// file: contract/lib/TokenTransferrer:L541

// Determine the total calldata size for the call to transfer.
let transferDataSize := add(

// Set the length of the data array in memory to zero.

and also the following constant would need to be updated:

// file: contract/lib/TokenTransferrerConstants.sol:L146

- uint256 constant BatchTransfer1155Params_data_length_basePtr = 0x104;
+ uint256 constant BatchTransfer1155Params_data_length_basePtr = 0xc4;

The change above removes uses less arithmetic operation which in turn would also save some gas.


For the function _assertRestrictedAdvancedOrderValidity on lines 104-113, offerer and zone are passed as two extra inputs although advancedOrder contains those 2 parameters.

function _assertRestrictedAdvancedOrderValidity(
    AdvancedOrder memory advancedOrder,
    CriteriaResolver[] memory criteriaResolvers,
    bytes32[] memory priorOrderHashes,
    bytes32 orderHash,
    bytes32 zoneHash,
    OrderType orderType,
    address offerer,
    address zone
) internal view {

These parameters can be accessed as:


This brings up the question if the extra inputs were provided like that to save gas, since using advancedOrder.parameters.VARIABLE would require the compiler to use extra instruction to calculate the memory offset and also load those variables to memory. This extra work was perhaps done in a function calling _assertRestrictedAdvancedOrderValidity.


There is typo on line 13 in the NatSpec comment:

offerrer replaced by offerer

- either the offerrer or the order's zone or approved as valid by the
+ either the offerer or the order's zone or approved as valid by the

For loops

The for loops in these FILES:LINES

can be changed.

General structure used:

for (uint256 i = 0; CONDITION; ++i) { ... }

Change to:

uint256 i = 0;

for (; CONDITION;) { 
    unchecked {

The unchecked inner block might not be necessary since some of the loops are inside a bigger unchecked block.

and for the assembly blocks in FILES:LINES:

General structure used:

for { initial }{ condition }{ increment } { ... }

Change to


for {}{ condition }{} { 
0age commented 2 years ago

This is pretty much entirely high-quality stuff!