code-423n4 / 2022-05-opensea-seaport-findings

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Truncation in `OrderValidator` can lead to resetting the fill and selling more tokens #77

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


A partial order's fractions (numerator and denominator) can be reset to 0 due to a truncation. This can be used to craft malicious orders:

  1. Consider user Alice, who has 100 ERC1155 tokens, who approved all of their tokens to the marketplaceContract.
  2. Alice places a PARTIAL_OPEN order with 10 ERC1155 tokens and consideration of ETH.
  3. Malory tries to fill the order in the following way:
    1. Malory tries to fill 50% of the order, but instead of providing the fraction 1 / 2, Bob provides 2**118 / 2**119. This sets the totalFilled to 2**118 and totalSize to 2**119.
    2. Malory tries to fill 10% of the order, by providing 1 / 10. The computation 2**118 / 2**119 + 1 / 10 is done by "cross multiplying" the denominators, leading to the acutal fraction being numerator = (2**118 * 10 + 2**119) and denominator = 2**119 * 10.
    3. Because of the uint120 truncation in OrderValidator.sol#L228-L248, the numerator and denominator are truncated to 0 and 0 respectively.
    4. Bob can now continue filling the order and draining any approved (1000 tokens in total) of the above ERC1155 tokens, for the same consideration amount!

Proof of Concept

For a full POC:

The following change would make the above POC fail:

modified   contracts/lib/OrderValidator.sol
@@ -225,6 +225,8 @@ contract OrderValidator is Executor, ZoneInteraction {
                 // Update order status and fill amount, packing struct values.
                 _orderStatus[orderHash].isValidated = true;
                 _orderStatus[orderHash].isCancelled = false;
+                require(filledNumerator + numerator <= type(uint120).max, "overflow");
+                require(denominator <= type(uint120).max, "overflow");
                 _orderStatus[orderHash].numerator = uint120(
                     filledNumerator + numerator
@@ -234,6 +236,8 @@ contract OrderValidator is Executor, ZoneInteraction {
             // Update order status and fill amount, packing struct values.
             _orderStatus[orderHash].isValidated = true;
             _orderStatus[orderHash].isCancelled = false;
+            require(numerator <= type(uint120).max, "overflow");
+            require(denominator <= type(uint120).max, "overflow");
             _orderStatus[orderHash].numerator = uint120(numerator);
             _orderStatus[orderHash].denominator = uint120(denominator);

Tools Used

Manual review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

A basic fix for this would involve adding the above checks for overflow / truncation and reverting in that case. However, we think the mechanism is still flawed in some respects and require more changes to fully fix it. See a related issue: "A malicious filler can fill a partial order in such a way that the rest cannot be filled by anyone" that points out a related but a more fundamental issue with the mechanism.

0xleastwood commented 2 years ago

I've identified that this issue and all of its duplicates clearly outline how an attacker might overflow an order to continually fulfill an order at the same market price.

An instance where this issue might cause issues is during a restricted token sale. A relevant scenario is detailed as follows:

For these reasons, I believe this issue to be of high severity because it breaks certain trust assumptions made by the protocol and its userbase. By intentionally forcing a user to sell additional tokens, you are effectively altering the allocation of their wallet holdings, potentially leading to further funds loss as they may incur slippage when they have to sell these tokens back.

A great finding from all involved!

liveactionllama commented 1 year ago

Per @0age resolved via: