Some tokens (like USDT) do not work when changing the allowance from an existing non-zero allowance value (it will revert if the current approval is not zero to protect against front-running changes of approvals). These tokens must first be approved for zero and then the actual allowance can be approved.
Proof of Concept
File: RubiconRouter.sol:
154: // function for infinite approvals of Rubicon Market
155: function approveAssetOnMarket(address toApprove) public {
156: // Approve exchange
157: ERC20(toApprove).approve(RubiconMarketAddress, 2**256 - 1);
158: }
Lines of code
Vulnerability details
Some tokens (like USDT) do not work when changing the allowance from an existing non-zero allowance value (it will revert if the current approval is not zero to protect against front-running changes of approvals). These tokens must first be approved for zero and then the actual allowance can be approved.
Proof of Concept
File: RubiconRouter.sol:
File: BathToken.sol:
Recommended Mitigation Steps
approve(RubiconMarketAddress, 0)
to set the allowance to zero immediately before each of the existingapprove()