First depositor of the pool can break minting of the Bath Token shares
Proof of Concept
An attacker -who is the first one to deposit- sends 1 wei and bypasses (totalSupply == 0) condition.
Later a very large amount of donation to the pool and inflates the shares proportionality ratio.
Subsequent depositors instead have to deposit an equivalent sum to avoid minting 0 shares. Otherwise, their deposits accrue to the attacker who holds the only share.
Lines of code
Vulnerability details
First depositor of the pool can break minting of the Bath Token shares
Proof of Concept
(totalSupply == 0)
Tools Used
Manual Review
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Ensure the number of shares to be minted is non-zero Uniswap V2 solved this problem by sending the first 1000 LP tokens to the zero address. The same can be done in this case i.e. when totalSupply() == 0, send the first min liquidity LP tokens to the zero address to enable share dilution.