code-423n4 / 2022-05-rubicon-findings

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Upgraded Q -> M from 435 [1656336879506] #484

Closed code423n4 closed 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago

Judge has assessed an item in Issue #435 as Medium risk. The relevant finding follows:

HickupHH3 commented 2 years ago

BathToken admin can set feeBPS to 100% The BathToken admin can set feeBPS to 100%, which would claim all withdrawals as fees. Additionally, a malicious admin could observe and frontrun withdrawal transactions to increase the fee value and claim additional fees.


/// @notice Admin-only function to set a Bath Token's feeBPS
function setFeeBPS(uint256 _feeBPS) external onlyBathHouse {
    feeBPS = _feeBPS;

Recommendation: Set and validate an upper bound on fees. Ensure the admin account is controlled by a timelock with a reasonable delay for parameter changes to mitigate frontrunning risk.

dup of #21