lockveasset function:
lockveasset functoin should do some transfer but if that dosnt happen then user can can loose alot of money
and if incentiveveasset is 0 because the check is >0 and if statment will not pass and the minting will not happen and your not going to get your minted tokens
also it can happen alot be if make a contract that calls these function back to back then it will fail and loose alot of money
1.put _lockveasset in first exection in the function you pay alot of tokens
2.incentiveVeAsset=0 then you wont get your tokens
so if you user would run this functoin again it would fail and you would loose tokens https://github.com/code-423n4/2022-05-vetoken/blob/2d7cd1f6780a9bcc8387dea8fecfbd758462c152/contracts/VeAssetDepositor.sol#L119
put require statment and check on lockveasset and if statement (put a require statment)
dont check for zero maybe make some delay or check before making it equal to zero.
Lines of code
Vulnerability details
lockveasset function: lockveasset functoin should do some transfer but if that dosnt happen then user can can loose alot of money and if incentiveveasset is 0 because the check is >0 and if statment will not pass and the minting will not happen and your not going to get your minted tokens also it can happen alot be if make a contract that calls these function back to back then it will fail and loose alot of money _lockVeAsset();
1.put _lockveasset in first exection in the function you pay alot of tokens 2.incentiveVeAsset=0 then you wont get your tokens so if you user would run this functoin again it would fail and you would loose tokens
https://github.com/code-423n4/2022-05-vetoken/blob/2d7cd1f6780a9bcc8387dea8fecfbd758462c152/contracts/VeAssetDepositor.sol#L119 mitgation: put require statment and check on lockveasset and if statement (put a require statment) dont check for zero maybe make some delay or check before making it equal to zero.