function claimBribesFromHiddenHand(IRewardDistributor hiddenHandDistributor, IRewardDistributor.Claim[] calldata _claims) external nonReentrant {
require(address(bribesProcessor) != address(0), "Bribes processor not set");
uint256 beforeVaultBalance = _getBalance();
uint256 beforePricePerFullShare = _getPricePerFullShare();
// Hidden hand uses BRIBE_VAULT address as a substitute for ETH
address hhBribeVault = hiddenHandDistributor.BRIBE_VAULT();
// Track token balances before bribes claim
uint256[] memory beforeBalance = new uint256[](_claims.length);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _claims.length; i++) {
(address token, , , ) = hiddenHandDistributor.rewards(_claims[i].identifier);
if (token == hhBribeVault) {
beforeBalance[i] = address(this).balance;
} else {
beforeBalance[i] = IERC20Upgradeable(token).balanceOf(address(this));
// Claim bribes
isClaimingBribes = true;
isClaimingBribes = false;
bool nonZeroDiff; // Cached value but also to check if we need to notifyProcessor
// Ultimately it's proof of non-zero which is good enough
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _claims.length; i++) {
(address token, , , ) = hiddenHandDistributor.rewards(_claims[i].identifier);
if (token == hhBribeVault) {
// ETH
uint256 difference = address(this).balance.sub(beforeBalance[i]);
if (difference > 0) {
IWeth(address(WETH)).deposit{value: difference}();
nonZeroDiff = true;
_handleRewardTransfer(address(WETH), difference);
} else {
uint256 difference = IERC20Upgradeable(token).balanceOf(address(this)).sub(beforeBalance[i]);
if (difference > 0) {
nonZeroDiff = true;
_handleRewardTransfer(token, difference);
if (nonZeroDiff) {
require(beforeVaultBalance == _getBalance(), "Balance can't change");
require(beforePricePerFullShare == _getPricePerFullShare(), "Ppfs can't change");
Can be optimized to
function claimBribesFromHiddenHand(IRewardDistributor hiddenHandDistributor, IRewardDistributor.Claim[] calldata _claims) external nonReentrant {
require(address(bribesProcessor) != address(0), "Bribes processor not set");
uint256 beforeVaultBalance = _getBalance();
uint256 beforePricePerFullShare = _getPricePerFullShare();
// Hidden hand uses BRIBE_VAULT address as a substitute for ETH
address hhBribeVault = hiddenHandDistributor.BRIBE_VAULT();
uint256 claimsLength = _claims.length;
// Track token balances before bribes claim
uint256[] memory beforeBalance = new uint256[](claimsLength);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < claimsLength; i++) {
(address token, , , ) = hiddenHandDistributor.rewards(_claims[i].identifier);
if (token == hhBribeVault) {
beforeBalance[i] = address(this).balance;
} else {
beforeBalance[i] = IERC20Upgradeable(token).balanceOf(address(this));
// Claim bribes
isClaimingBribes = true;
isClaimingBribes = false;
bool nonZeroDiff; // Cached value but also to check if we need to notifyProcessor
// Ultimately it's proof of non-zero which is good enough
for (uint256 i = 0; i < claimsLength; i++) {
(address token, , , ) = hiddenHandDistributor.rewards(_claims[i].identifier);
if (token == hhBribeVault) {
// ETH
uint256 difference = address(this).balance.sub(beforeBalance[i]);
if (difference > 0) {
IWeth(address(WETH)).deposit{value: difference}();
nonZeroDiff = true;
_handleRewardTransfer(address(WETH), difference);
} else {
uint256 difference = IERC20Upgradeable(token).balanceOf(address(this)).sub(beforeBalance[i]);
if (difference > 0) {
nonZeroDiff = true;
_handleRewardTransfer(token, difference);
if (nonZeroDiff) {
require(beforeVaultBalance == _getBalance(), "Balance can't change");
require(beforePricePerFullShare == _getPricePerFullShare(), "Ppfs can't change");
Should use solidity ^0.8.4 instead of 0.6 with SafeMathUpgradeable
It provide more readable, more security and better gas utilization if you use solidity 0.8.
_amount.mul(9_980).div(MAX_BPS) can be replaced with _amount * 9_980 / MAX_BPS in solidity 0.8 while providing better gas cost, underflow and overflow guard.
Solidity 0.8.4 introduced custom errors. They are more gas efficient than revert strings, when it comes to deployment cost as well as runtime cost when the revert condition is met. Use custom errors instead of revert strings for gas savings.
Any require statement in your code can be replaced with custom error for example,
require(address(bribesProcessor) != address(0), "Bribes processor not set");
Can be replaced with
// declare error before contract declaration
error BribesNotSet();
if (address(bribesProcessor) == address(0)) revert BribesNotSet();
Caching the length in for loops
This reduce gas cost as show here
Can be optimized to
Should use solidity ^0.8.4 instead of 0.6 with SafeMathUpgradeable
It provide more readable, more security and better gas utilization if you use solidity 0.8.
can be replaced with_amount * 9_980 / MAX_BPS
in solidity 0.8 while providing better gas cost, underflow and overflow guard.This reduce gas cost as show here
Safemath by default from 0.8.0 (can be more gas efficient than some library-based safemath.)
Consider using custom errors instead of revert strings (Upgrade to solidity ^0.8.4 first)
This reduce gas cost as show here
Solidity 0.8.4 introduced custom errors. They are more gas efficient than revert strings, when it comes to deployment cost as well as runtime cost when the revert condition is met. Use custom errors instead of revert strings for gas savings.
Any require statement in your code can be replaced with custom error for example,
Can be replaced with