code-423n4 / 2022-06-connext-findings

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QA Report #183

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago
  1. unused local variable PortalFacet.repayAavePortal() - adopted variable in

  2. Unused function parameter PortalFacet.repayAavePortalFor() - _router param in`26

  3. dev notes documents that The router must be approved for portal and with enough liquidity, and must be the caller of this function.However a require check is missing to ensure msg.sender is the router -

  4. _local variable used instead of adopted for _backloan() call in

  5. SponsorVault.sol contract deployment could revert due to missing zero address check The construction function in SponsorVault.sol calls _setConnext() during deployment. If the _connext address is mistakenly inputed as 0, then the deployment of the contract will revert as seen in the require check in _setConnext()

  6. Missing zero value check SponsorVault.setRate() - missing zero value check for _rate param -

  7. Missing zero address check SponsorVault.setGasTokenOracle() -

RelayerFacet.addRelayer() -

  1. Unused parameter BridgeFacet.handle() - _nonce param in
jakekidd commented 2 years ago

8 is invalid, it is an interface implementation, unused parameter is required

5+6+7 should be one issue

4 is level 2: Med Risk issue! a good spot (something we also spotted/have resolved since)

0xleastwood commented 1 year ago

no. 4 is a duplicate of #103, a more severe issue, but I won't upgrade it because the impact is not detailed in any way.

0xleastwood commented 1 year ago

Although, I'll give you kudos for some of these findings. great work!