code-423n4 / 2022-06-connext-findings

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Gas Optimizations #200

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago

details is used only when !s.tokenRegistry.isLocalOrigin(token) holds:

    bytes32 details = action.detailsHash();

    // if the token is of remote origin, mint the tokens. will either
    // - be credited to router (fast liquidity)
    // - be reserved for execution (slow liquidity)
    if (!s.tokenRegistry.isLocalOrigin(token)) {
      IBridgeToken(token).mint(address(this), amount);
      // Tell the token what its detailsHash is
    // NOTE: if the token is of local origin, it means it was escrowed
    // in this contract at xcall

    // mark the transfer as reconciled
    s.reconciledTransfers[transferId] = true;

    return (amount, token, transferId);

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Move into the if scope:

    // if the token is of remote origin, mint the tokens. will either
    // - be credited to router (fast liquidity)
    // - be reserved for execution (slow liquidity)
    if (!s.tokenRegistry.isLocalOrigin(token)) {
      bytes32 details = action.detailsHash();
      IBridgeToken(token).mint(address(this), amount);
      // Tell the token what its detailsHash is