code-423n4 / 2022-06-connext-findings

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in reimburseLiquidityFees() of SponserVault contract swaps tokens without slippage limit so its possible to perform sandwich attack and it create MEV #237

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


when code swaps tokens it should specify slippage but in reimburseLiquidityFees() code contract calls tokenExchange.swapExactIn() without slippage and it's possible to perform sandwich attack and make contract to swap on bad exchange rates and there is MEV.

Proof of Concept

This is reimburseLiquidityFees() code in SponserVault:

   * @notice Performs liquidity fee reimbursement.
   * @dev Uses the token exchange or liquidity deposited in this contract.
   *      The `_receiver` address is only used for emitting in the event.
   * @param _token The address of the token
   * @param _liquidityFee The liquidity fee amount
   * @param _receiver The address of the receiver
   * @return Sponsored liquidity fee amount
  function reimburseLiquidityFees(
    address _token,
    uint256 _liquidityFee,
    address _receiver
  ) external override onlyConnext returns (uint256) {
    uint256 sponsoredFee;

    if (address(tokenExchanges[_token]) != address(0)) {
      uint256 currentBalance = address(this).balance;
      ITokenExchange tokenExchange = tokenExchanges[_token];

      uint256 amountIn = tokenExchange.getInGivenExpectedOut(_token, _liquidityFee);
      amountIn = currentBalance >= amountIn ? amountIn : currentBalance;

      // sponsored fee may end being less than _liquidityFee due to slippage
      sponsoredFee = tokenExchange.swapExactIn{value: amountIn}(_token, msg.sender);
    } else {
      uint256 balance = IERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this));
      sponsoredFee = balance < _liquidityFee ? balance : _liquidityFee;

      // some ERC20 do not allow to transfer 0 amount
      if (sponsoredFee > 0) {
        IERC20(_token).safeTransfer(msg.sender, sponsoredFee);

    emit ReimburseLiquidityFees(_token, sponsoredFee, _receiver);

    return sponsoredFee;

As you can see there is no slippage defined when calling swapExactIn() can that swap could happen in any exchange rate. it's possible to perform sandwich attack and do large swap before and after the transaction and make users lose funds. and it's also MEV opportunity.

Tools Used


Recommended Mitigation Steps

specify slippage when calling swap tokens.

jakekidd commented 2 years ago

This is absolutely correct, but unfortunately there is no apparent viable on-chain solution. If we revert because slippage is too high, behavior would be inconsistent and UX would be bad, to say the least. If we instead choose to not sponsor because the slippage is too high, then sponsorship could be griefed severely (i.e. 'if we can't get at least X, then give the user nothing' is not a valid sponsorship policy).

Some things that make a sandwich attack less feasible however:

This is a good entrypoint for a future feature that gives sponsors better options, such as only sponsoring transfers for specific assets that they supply (i.e. so no swap is required).

cc @LayneHaber for thoughts. Because this essentially boils down to a feature request on behalf of sponsors - not a bug - going to close.

jakekidd commented 2 years ago

Reopening and leaving this as acknowledged.

0xleastwood commented 1 year ago

Seeing as I can't verify if tokenExchange.swapExactIn is indeed vulnerable to slippage, I will just side with the sponsor/warden on this one.