code-423n4 / 2022-06-infinity-findings

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QA Report #273

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago

Title: Wrong naming convention for variables


Existing style for naming variables is misleading and decreases code maintainability. Only constant variable names should be in all capital letters. A lot of projects use all capital letters not only for constant but also for immutable variables.

Official Solidity language documentation recommendations should be followed for variable naming convention:

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Do not use the same naming convention for state variables and constants. Below is a example with wrong naming convention: /// @dev WETH address of a chain; set at deploy time to the WETH address of the chain that this contract is deployed to address public immutable WETH; /// @dev Used in order signing with EIP-712 bytes32 public immutable DOMAIN_SEPARATOR; /// @dev This is the adress that is used to send auto sniped orders for execution on chain address public MATCH_EXECUTOR; /// @dev Gas cost for auto sniped orders are paid by the buyers and refunded to this contract in the form of WETH uint32 public WETH_TRANSFER_GAS_UNITS = 50000; /// @notice Exchange fee in basis points (250 bps = 2.5%) uint16 public PROTOCOL_FEE_BPS = 250;

To: Local and state variables should use mixedCase. Examples: totalSupply, remainingSupply, balancesOf, creatorAddress, isPreSale, tokenExchangeRate. Constants should be named with all capital letters with underscores separating words. Examples: MAX_BLOCKS, TOKEN_NAME, TOKEN_TICKER, CONTRACT_VERSION. Additionally I would like to recommend to use Solidity language naming convention as base and extend it with prefixes:

Title: Events aren't indexed


Events are not indexed, so their filtering is disabled, which makes it harder to programmatically use the system

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Add indexes for events:

Title: Remove fallback() and receive()


Empty fallback() and receive() do not serve any purpose and unnecessary increases amount of code. It is always possible to send ether from a self-destruct function so empty fallback, receive are not necessary.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Remove fallback() and receive():

Title: Create onlyExecutor modifier


Three functions has the same same duplicate code to check for access control. Best practice is to have access control in a modifier and not to copy the logic to each function.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Remove code - require(msg.sender == MATCH_EXECUTOR, 'OME');

Create a new modifier and add it to above mentioned functions: modifier onlyExecutor() { require(msg.sender == MATCHEXECUTOR, 'OME'); ; }

Title: Remove MakerOrder.execParams[]


MakerOrder.execParams[] makes code hard to read and it stores only two variables: MakerOrder.execParams[0] - complication address MakerOrder.execParams[1] - currency

Both .execParams[] are checked at the main contract so keeping them as a array doesn’t give any benefit and only complicates code:

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Change: MakerOrder.execParams[0] MakerOrder.execParams[1] To: MakerOrder.compAddress MakerOrder.currency

Title: Constant variables should be declared as constants and not memory variables


Only constant variables should use the appropriate constant naming convention.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Change: uint256 PRECISION = 104; // precision for division; similar to bps To: uint256 constant PRECISION = 104; // precision for division; similar to bps

Title: Magic numbers should be constants


There are many instances of the value 10000. Currently this integer value is used directly without a clear indication that this value relates to the decimals value, which could lead to one of these values being modified but not the other (perhaps by a typo), which is the basis for many past hacks. Coding best practices suggests using a constant integer to store this value in a way that clearly explains the purpose of this value to prevent confusion.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Create a constant: Uint256 const BASIS_POINTS = 10000:

And replace magic number 10000 with the new constant:

Replace 10**18:

HardlyDifficult commented 2 years ago

Merging with