code-423n4 / 2022-06-infinity-findings

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User can accidentally permanently freeze the staked funds #312

Closed code423n4 closed 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

User facing changeDuration() function allows for setting any newDuration of a stake. However, only THREE_MONTHS, SIX_MONTHS and TWELVE_MONTHS durations are visible to the system in all the subsequent logic. If a user accidentally sets any other duration, the changeDuration() will run successfully, but the corresponding stake will be frozen within the contract.

Setting severity to be medium as that's a fund freeze case conditional on a user irregular input, which probability isn't low as typical user aren't aware that InfinityStaker ignores all durations besides 3 preset values.

Proof of Concept

changeDuration() allows user to set any newDuration of a stake:

   * @notice Change duration of staked tokens
   * @dev Duration can be changed from low to high but not from high to low. State updates are performed
   * @param amount Amount of tokens to change duration
   * @param oldDuration Old duration of the stake
   * @param newDuration New duration of the stake
  function changeDuration(
    uint256 amount,
    Duration oldDuration,
    Duration newDuration
  ) external override nonReentrant whenNotPaused {
    require(amount != 0, 'amount cant be 0');
      userstakedAmounts[msg.sender][oldDuration].amount >= amount,
      'insufficient staked amount to change duration'
    require(newDuration > oldDuration, 'new duration must be greater than old duration');

    // update storage
    userstakedAmounts[msg.sender][oldDuration].amount -= amount;
    userstakedAmounts[msg.sender][newDuration].amount += amount;
    // update timestamp for new duration
    userstakedAmounts[msg.sender][newDuration].timestamp = block.timestamp;
    // only update old duration timestamp if old duration amount is 0
    if (userstakedAmounts[msg.sender][oldDuration].amount == 0) {
      userstakedAmounts[msg.sender][oldDuration].timestamp = 0;
    // emit event
    emit DurationChanged(msg.sender, amount, oldDuration, newDuration);

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Consider adding the check to changeDuration() that newDuration belongs to the set of (THREE_MONTHS, SIX_MONTHS, TWELVE_MONTHS) and revert otherwise.

HardlyDifficult commented 2 years ago

Since enums do not auto revert when the input is out of range, the stake may be left in an unsupported state. Good catch! Agree with Medium risk here.

KenzoAgada commented 2 years ago

I've tested this and it seems that enums do revert on invalid input, am I missing something? You can run the following contract and input 3 to the function

pragma solidity 0.8.14;

contract TestEnum {
    enum ABC {
        A, B, C

    function getEnum(ABC _a) public {
HardlyDifficult commented 2 years ago

You're right @KenzoAgada! My mistake... guess it's time I should read over the Solidity docs again. Thanks for pointing this out (& incl a simple test).

Closing as invalid.

dmitriia commented 2 years ago

My bad, implied uint behavior