code-423n4 / 2022-06-infinity-findings

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Calling `unstake()` can cause locked funds #50

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


Following scenario:

Alice has staked X token for 6 months that have vested. She stakes Y tokens for another three months. If she now calls unstake(X) to take out the tokens that have vested, the Y tokens she staked for three months will be locked up.

Proof of Concept

First, here's a test showcasing the issue:

  describe('should cause trouble', () => {
    it('should lock up funds', async function () {
      await approveERC20(signer1.address, token.address, amountStaked, signer1, infinityStaker.address);
      await infinityStaker.connect(signer1).stake(amountStaked, 2);
      await network.provider.send("evm_increaseTime", [181 * DAY]);
      await network.provider.send('evm_mine', []);

      // The funds we staked for 6 months have vested
      expect(await infinityStaker.getUserTotalVested(signer1.address)).to.eq(amountStaked);

      // Now we want to stake funds for three months
      await approveERC20(signer1.address, token.address, amountStaked2, signer1, infinityStaker.address);
      await infinityStaker.connect(signer1).stake(amountStaked2, 1);

      // total staked is now the funds staked for three & six months
      // total vested stays the same
      expect(await infinityStaker.getUserTotalStaked(signer1.address)).to.eq(amountStaked.add(amountStaked2));
      expect(await infinityStaker.getUserTotalVested(signer1.address)).to.eq(amountStaked);

      // we unstake the funds that are already vested.
      const userBalanceBefore = await token.balanceOf(signer1.address);
      await infinityStaker.connect(signer1).unstake(amountStaked);
      const userBalanceAfter = await token.balanceOf(signer1.address);


      expect(await infinityStaker.getUserTotalStaked(signer1.address)).to.eq(ethers.BigNumber.from(0));
      expect(await infinityStaker.getUserTotalVested(signer1.address)).to.eq(ethers.BigNumber.from(0));

The test implements the scenario I've described above. In the end, the user got back their amountStaked tokens with the amountStaked2 tokens being locked up in the contract. The user has no tokens staked at the end.

The issue is in the _updateUserStakedAmounts() function:

    if (amount > noVesting) {
      userstakedAmounts[user][Duration.NONE].amount = 0;
      userstakedAmounts[user][Duration.NONE].timestamp = 0;
      amount = amount - noVesting;
      if (amount > vestedThreeMonths) {
        // MAIN ISSUE:
        // here `vestedThreeMonths` is 0. The current staked tokens are set to `0` and `amount` is decreased by `0`.
        // Since `vestedThreeMonths` is `0` we shouldn't decrease `userstakedAmounts` at all here.
        userstakedAmounts[user][Duration.THREE_MONTHS].amount = 0;
        userstakedAmounts[user][Duration.THREE_MONTHS].timestamp = 0;
        amount = amount - vestedThreeMonths;
        // `amount == vestedSixMonths` so we enter the else block
        if (amount > vestedSixMonths) {
          userstakedAmounts[user][Duration.SIX_MONTHS].amount = 0;
          userstakedAmounts[user][Duration.SIX_MONTHS].timestamp = 0;
          amount = amount - vestedSixMonths;
          if (amount > vestedTwelveMonths) {
            userstakedAmounts[user][Duration.TWELVE_MONTHS].amount = 0;
            userstakedAmounts[user][Duration.TWELVE_MONTHS].timestamp = 0;
          } else {
            userstakedAmounts[user][Duration.TWELVE_MONTHS].amount -= amount;
        } else {
          // the staked amount is set to `0`.
          userstakedAmounts[user][Duration.SIX_MONTHS].amount -= amount;
      } else {
        userstakedAmounts[user][Duration.THREE_MONTHS].amount -= amount;
    } else {
      userstakedAmounts[user][Duration.NONE].amount -= amount;

Tools Used


Recommended Mitigation Steps

Don't set userstakedAmounts.amount to 0 if none of its tokens are removed (vestedAmount == 0)

nneverlander commented 2 years ago


nneverlander commented 2 years ago

HardlyDifficult commented 2 years ago

Switching this submission to be the primary for including PoC code & a clear description of the issue.

When unstaking, unvested tokens may become locked in the contract forever.

Accepting this as a High risk issue.