We should've check that every token withdraw has tokenId and token address in pair for batch ERC721 batch transfer to prevent 0 tokenId or address(0) token transfer
The transfer function has a tight gas restriction and might fail if GAS costs change in the future or if a smart contract's fallback function handler is complex. I recommend to use address.call()
Apart from synthetic tokens which have been engineered to always return true, consider using OpenZeppelin's SafeERC20 library for transferring ERC20 token. Some token won't return bool value (USDT for example)
Title: Missing checks
We should've check that every token withdraw has tokenId and token address in pair for batch ERC721 batch transfer to prevent 0 tokenId or address(0) token transfer
Recommended mitigation step
Title: Usage address.transfer
The transfer function has a tight gas restriction and might fail if GAS costs change in the future or if a smart contract's fallback function handler is complex. I recommend to use address.call()
Tool used
Recommended mitigation step
Use address.call()
Title: Using SafeTransfer library for error handling
https://github.com/code-423n4/2022-06-nibbl/blob/main/contracts/Basket.sol#L87 https://github.com/code-423n4/2022-06-nibbl/blob/main/contracts/Basket.sol#L94
Apart from synthetic tokens which have been engineered to always return true, consider using OpenZeppelin's SafeERC20 library for transferring ERC20 token. Some token won't return bool value (USDT for example)