code-423n4 / 2022-06-nibbl-findings

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QA Report #307

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago

Result of ERC20.transfer method is ignored

Proof of concept

Basket#withdrawERC20, Basket#Basket.withdrawMultipleERC20, NibblVault#withdrawERC20, NibblVault#Basket.withdrawMultipleERC20 all call IERC20 transfer method without checking for its return value (bool success). This is a problem because some ERC20 tokens do not revert on error but return “false” instead.


This can lead to some confusion on the ERC20 withdrawer side and to some wasted gas due to need to call withdraw methods again.


Always use SafeERC20.safeTransfer instead of ERC20.transfer so you handle ERC20 tokens that do not revert on error

Using address payable’s transfer method is discouraged

Proof of concept

Basket.sol line 80 sends ETH by using the low-level transfer call which is discouraged. Transfer can take up to a maximum of 2300 gas, which can lead to inability to withdraw the ether if the recipient is a smart contract with a receive function that uses more than 200 gas


This might lead to stuck ether for a user of the protocol. This might be a Medium risk finding.


Change “_to.transfer(address(this).balance);” to “{value: address(this).balance}("");”

Missing non-zero address checks

Proof of concept

(not putting Github links because they are ~10 here)

Externally provided function arguments for address parameters can mistakenly be set to the zero address

function parameters of type address that do not have a non-zero address check:

NibblVault#initialize - _assetAddress, _curator

NibblVault#updateCurator - _newCurator

NibblVaultFactory#constructor - _vaultImplementation, _feeTo, _basketImplementation

NibblVaultFactory#proposeNewBasketImplementation - _newBasketImplementation

NibblVaultFactory#proposeNewAdminFeeAddress - _newFeeAddress

NibblVaultFactory#proposeNewVaultImplementation - _newVaultImplementation

ProxyBasket#constructor - _implementation

ProxyVault#constructor - _factory


Mistakenly setting an address type field to the zero address can result in a need to send a new correct transaction (wasted gas) in the context of setter functions, and in a need for contract redeployment in the context of constructors or initialiser functions.


Add a require(_functionParam ! = address(0)) check for all places mentioned.

HardlyDifficult commented 2 years ago

A few good improvements.