code-423n4 / 2022-06-notional-coop-findings

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wfCashLogic.sol fee on transfer tokens are not supported #139

Closed code423n4 closed 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


Some ERC20 tokens deduct fee on every transfer. mintViaUnderlying() function is called with a depositAmountExternal. Then mintViaUnderlying() calls _mintInternal() which transfers depositAmountExternal. The amount received by the contract would be less than the amount sent by the caller on FOT tokens. Hence, when user calls _burn() later on with the same amount, line 214 would revert.

Proof of Concept

    /// @notice Lends deposit amount in return for fCashAmount using underlying tokens
    /// @param depositAmountExternal amount of cash to deposit into this method
    /// @param fCashAmount amount of fCash to purchase (lend)
    /// @param receiver address to receive the fCash shares
    /// @param minImpliedRate minimum annualized interest rate to lend at
    function mintViaUnderlying(
        uint256 depositAmountExternal,
        uint88 fCashAmount,
        address receiver,
        uint32 minImpliedRate
    ) external override {
        _mintInternal(depositAmountExternal, fCashAmount, receiver, minImpliedRate, true);

    function _mintInternal(
        uint256 depositAmountExternal,
        uint88 fCashAmount,
        address receiver,
        uint32 minImpliedRate,
        bool useUnderlying
    ) internal nonReentrant {
        require(!hasMatured(), "fCash matured");
        (IERC20 token, bool isETH) = getToken(useUnderlying);
        uint256 balanceBefore = isETH ? address(this).balance : token.balanceOf(address(this));

        // If dealing in ETH, we use WETH in the wrapper instead of ETH. NotionalV2 uses
        // ETH natively but due to pull payment requirements for batchLend, it does not support
        // ETH. batchLend only supports ERC20 tokens like cETH or aETH. Since the wrapper is a compatibility
        // layer, it will support WETH so integrators can deal solely in ERC20 tokens. Instead of using
        // "batchLend" we will use "batchBalanceActionWithTrades". The difference is that "batchLend"
        // is more gas efficient (does not require and additional redeem call to asset tokens). If using cETH
        // then everything will proceed via batchLend.
        if (isETH) {
            IERC20((address(WETH))).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), depositAmountExternal);

            BalanceActionWithTrades[] memory action = EncodeDecode.encodeLendETHTrade(
            // Notional will return any residual ETH as the native token. When we _sendTokensToReceiver those
            // native ETH tokens will be wrapped back to WETH.
            NotionalV2.batchBalanceAndTradeAction{value: depositAmountExternal}(address(this), action);
        } else {
            // Transfers tokens in for lending, Notional will transfer from this contract.
            token.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), depositAmountExternal);

            // Executes a lending action on Notional
            BatchLend[] memory action = EncodeDecode.encodeLendTrade(
            NotionalV2.batchLend(address(this), action);

        // Mints ERC20 tokens for the receiver, the false flag denotes that we will not do an
        // operatorAck
        _mint(receiver, fCashAmount, "", "", false);

        _sendTokensToReceiver(token, msg.sender, isETH, balanceBefore);

    /// @notice Called before tokens are burned (redemption) and so we will handle
    /// the fCash properly before and after maturity.
    function _burn(
        address from,
        uint256 amount,
        bytes memory userData,
        bytes memory operatorData
    ) internal override nonReentrant {
        // Save the total supply value before burning to calculate the cash claim share
        uint256 initialTotalSupply = totalSupply();
        RedeemOpts memory opts = abi.decode(userData, (RedeemOpts));
        require(opts.receiver != address(0), "Receiver is zero address");
        // This will validate that the account has sufficient tokens to burn and make
        // any relevant underlying stateful changes to balances.
        super._burn(from, amount, userData, operatorData);

Tools Used

Manual review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

I suggest to to compare the balance before and after to get the actual amount transferred after fee deduction.

jeffywu commented 2 years ago

The warden is correct to say that tokens with transfer fees will revert during _mintInternal, however, the execution path that causes the method to revert is actually here:

Notional would never be able to pull the correct amount of underlying tokens because it is unaware of the fee.

_burn would not revert in either case for because it does use balance before and balance after checks in order to transfer.

I'm going to mark this as confirmed for pointing out a potential edge case but the issue description is not correct. The consequence of this is that users would not be able to use any of the ERC4626 methods, they would only be able to mint via fCash transfers and mintViaAsset. Redemptions would work correctly.

gzeoneth commented 2 years ago

Don't think it is very likely for Notional to integrate with fee-on-transfer token, downgrading to Low / QA.

gzeoneth commented 2 years ago

Consider with #140